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Implement partial update for MCUs #48

Open andrey-gvrd opened 7 years ago

andrey-gvrd commented 7 years ago

I noticed that partial update functionality is implemented only for PlatformsWIthOS. Is there a reason it's not done for MSP430 and Arduino?

Judging by the comments here It seems that the port already exists, but isn't released to this repository.

repaper commented 7 years ago

The sample code is managed by Pervasive Displays officially on TI CCS project. You can leave your message to the Technical Support webform to get the source. The AdaFruit GFX has partial update example as well.

andrey-gvrd commented 7 years ago

I can't see partial update code in Adafruit's libraries. Are you referring to EPD.image(IMAGE_1_BITS, IMAGE_2_BITS)?

repaper commented 7 years ago

andrey-gvrd commented 7 years ago

Are you referring to EPD_GFX? I see that it does use this->EPD.image_sram(this->old_image, this->new_image) in its display() method, but updating between screens still takes 3 seconds. What am I missing here?