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command sketch #52

Open amirezz opened 7 years ago

amirezz commented 7 years ago

Dears" Hope you are doing great. I was asking about command sketch . i have v 230 with EDP 2.0 how can i upload xmb image to the flash memory and display it. I am using my Arduino IDE serial monitor are it support ASCII upload ? Are it must upload the image and write ( 0x )in the start of each byte ? Are it need to split the image file to sectors and upload each one separately? Thanks in advance .

hxw commented 7 years ago

The xbm parser just expects a series of 0xNN hex values ending with a semicolon ;. All other parts of the xbm file are ignored.

The Arduino serial monitor only sends a line at a time so you would have to copy/paste each line of the xbm file separately. I would suggest looking for a terminal emulator that supports ASCII uploading.