repetier / Repetier-Firmware

Firmware for Arduino based RepRap 3D printer.
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capability to control the ready to use cutting modules such as auto focus laser head or plasma THC #505

Open mkeyno opened 8 years ago

mkeyno commented 8 years ago

hi , I was wondering if this firmware have capability to control the ready to use cutting modules such as auto focus laser head or plasma THC , I saw couple of effort on Marlin enthusiast to check output sensor the cutting tool and control the stepper motor the module to control height during the printing any comments really appreciated

repetier commented 8 years ago

I do not have such hardware and even do not know what exactly you are talking about. All I have is a simple china laser I can switch on/off.

The laser code is written to be exchangeable so it is possible to change it to use such hardware if you know how to control it.

mkeyno commented 8 years ago

thanks @repetier for reply , but unlike the Marlin , I couldn't find the modified RepRap for CNC cutting machine such as laser or plasma , and it seems unlike the 3d Printer most developer here have own way and not follow the standard same way for CNC cutting machine actually I made 120 watt laser CNC with RAMPS and modified Marlin by TurnkeyTyranny which is equipped with BT wireless link , I used to repetier host for cutting and engraving. Code has minor defect and unfortunately not updated any longer , however I'm moving to next step and find many industrial laser CNC have module which is keep the cutting tool; in readiness state , for example THC module check the correct distance from material constantly , I start sending the note to Marlin and repetier developer to find any enthusiast people to such project and make standard modified version for cutting CNC machine I really appreciated to have your comments

mkeyno commented 8 years ago

dear @repetier can I have your idea about possibility of auto height control of CNC tools in the RRF? Right now Manually Control the laser head height is possible with Marlin function such as action_laser_focus_custom(), and I think ,in two ways we can control the tools heights during printing our cutting One with help of separate modules and one is totally implemented in firmware In the first method (hard way) we could use the Arduino module to command the z axis whenever new bias with pre set g-code height come out, and when adjustment performed active the readiness pin which is controlled by g-code M266 command before each cutting
In the second way we could use the function such as laser_set_focus(currentZ) in loop function , in this case we need use I2C to request the height from sensor module

also I really appreciated to have your colleagues comments