replaysMike / Binner

Open source parts inventory system for makers, electronics hobby, and professional engineers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug]: Binner causes kernel panics #260

Open Imeguras opened 5 months ago

Imeguras commented 5 months ago

Binner version


Operating System

6.8.2-arch2-1(arch linux)

Describe the bug and the steps to reproduce it

Ok so since im on arch i installed on some folder and then i saw a lot of shortcomings in the service so I left it, and now after some months i started to notice hard crashes which is very unusual before this, i only remember 2 or three times when the PC fully froze and i was unable to do anything(one being due to packet tracer, and the other being a mouse for 3D cad which was meant to use specifically on Windows).

I had to remove the service in its entirety as i was scared of leaving any traces running(my ssd can only handle so much blows)

Regardless heres the journalctl, Again: everything is gone, and i only lightly played around with the ui, etc... so assume a defaults. Oh and yeah this time it wasnt a kernel panic but i had a few, even to the point for the first time ever saw the firmware on the laptop complaining by blinking caps lock.

mar 31 20:15:04 micron Binner.Web[2795]: Topshelf.HostFactory Information: 0 :
mar 31 20:15:04 micron Binner.Web[2795]: Configuration Result:
                                         [Success] Name Binner
                                         [Success] Description Hosts the Binner Web Service
                                         [Success] ServiceName Binner
mar 31 20:15:04 micron Binner[2795]: Configuration Result:
mar 31 20:15:04 micron Binner[2795]: [Success] Name Binner
mar 31 20:15:04 micron Binner[2795]: [Success] Description Hosts the Binner Web Service
mar 31 20:15:04 micron Binner[2795]: [Success] ServiceName Binner
mar 31 20:15:04 micron Binner.Web[2795]: Topshelf.HostConfigurators.HostConfiguratorImpl Information: 0 :
mar 31 20:15:04 micron Binner[2795]: Topshelf v4.3.0.0, .NET 7.0.5 (7.0.5)
mar 31 20:15:04 micron Binner.Web[2795]: Topshelf v4.3.0.0, .NET 7.0.5 (7.0.5)
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner.Web[2795]: Topshelf.Runtime.Windows.WindowsHostEnvironment Error: 0 :
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner.Web[2795]: Unable to get parent process (ignored), System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load shared li>
                                         /home/micron/sav/Circuits/Database/outro/ cannot open shared object file: No >
                                         /home/micron/sav/Circuits/Database/outro/ cannot open shared object file: >
                                         /home/micron/sav/Circuits/Database/outro/kernel32.dll: cannot open shared object file: No suc>
                                         /home/micron/sav/Circuits/Database/outro/libkernel32.dll: cannot open shared object file: No >

                                            at Topshelf.Runtime.Windows.Kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(UInt32 dwFlags, UInt32 th32P>
                                            at Topshelf.Runtime.Windows.WindowsHostEnvironment.GetParent(Process child)
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner[2795]: Topshelf.Runtime.Windows.WindowsHostEnvironment Error: 0 : Unable to get parent process (ignored)>
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner[2795]: /home/micron/sav/Circuits/Database/outro/ cannot open shared object file: No such>
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner[2795]: /home/micron/sav/Circuits/Database/outro/ cannot open shared object file: No s>
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner[2795]: /home/micron/sav/Circuits/Database/outro/kernel32.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such fi>
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner[2795]: /home/micron/sav/Circuits/Database/outro/libkernel32.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such>
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner[2795]:    at Topshelf.Runtime.Windows.Kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(UInt32 dwFlags, UInt32 th32Proce>
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner[2795]:    at Topshelf.Runtime.Windows.WindowsHostEnvironment.GetParent(Process child)
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner.Web[2795]: Topshelf.Hosts.ConsoleRunHost Information: 0 :
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner.Web[2795]: The Binner service is now running, press Control+C to exit.
mar 31 20:15:05 micron Binner[2795]: The Binner service is now running, press Control+C to exit.
<-here the OS freezes forcing me to reboot via force shutdown theres nothing bellow other than sddm greeting me->

also common really

Are you able to contribute a PR? (No is ok!) No, because I do not know how Like theres other reasons for no... If i had to take a wild guess the reason its failing maybe its due to it being supposed to be ran on root folder or maybe due to me updating the dotnet version a lot and not touching Binner

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