replete-repl / replete-ios

ClojureScript REPL iOS app
Eclipse Public License 1.0
395 stars 25 forks source link

If auto-bulding planck, asks to install icu4c #118

Open mfikes opened 5 years ago

mfikes commented 5 years ago
orion:(master)replete$ script/build
Error: please "brew install icu4c"
orion:(master)replete$ brew list
ant     gmp     libunistring    opencv      sqlite
aurora-cli  icu4c       libxml2     openexr     tbb
awscli      ilmbase     libyaml     openssl     telnet
boot-clj    imagemagick libzip      openssl@1.1 valgrind
cloc        isl     lumo        pcre        watchman
clojure     jpeg        lz4     pkg-config  wget
cmake       jq      lzlib       planck      x264
curl        lame        maven       python      xvid
eigen       leiningen   mpfr        python@2    xz
ffmpeg      libidn2     mysql@5.7   qt      yarn
freetype    libmpc      node        readline
gcc     libpng      node@8      rlwrap
gdbm        libtiff     numpy       ruby
gettext     libtool     oniguruma   sphinx-doc

Notice that icu4c is installed. If you try to install it, I get:

orion:(master)replete$ brew install icu4c
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/cask).
==> Migrating cache entries...

Warning: icu4c 62.1 is already installed and up-to-date
To reinstall 62.1, run `brew reinstall icu4c`
mfikes commented 5 years ago

If I do this, things work.

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig"