Closed hiram-madelaine closed 9 years ago
I see this too.
I get this by evaluating 0
I can verify that this happens in the plain bootstrapped REPL too:
cljs-bootstrap.repl> 0
at new cljs$core$ExceptionInfo (/home/joelm/scratch/cljs-bootstrap/.cljs_bootstrap/cljs/core.js:33157:10)
at Function.cljs.core.ex_info.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3 (/home/joelm/scratch/cljs-bootstrap/.cljs_bootstrap/cljs/core.js:33219:9)
at Function.cljs.core.ex_info.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 (/home/joelm/scratch/cljs-bootstrap/.cljs_bootstrap/cljs/core.js:33215:26)
at cljs$core$ex_info (/home/joelm/scratch/cljs-bootstrap/.cljs_bootstrap/cljs/core.js:33201:26)
at$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic (/home/joelm/scratch/cljs-bootstrap/.cljs_bootstrap/cljs/tools/reader/reader_types.js:802:25)
at cljs$tools$reader$reader_types$reader_error (/home/joelm/scratch/cljs-bootstrap/.cljs_bootstrap/cljs/tools/reader/reader_types.js:798:52)
at cljs$tools$reader$read_number (/home/joelm/scratch/cljs-bootstrap/.cljs_bootstrap/cljs/tools/reader.js:442:52)
at /home/joelm/scratch/cljs-bootstrap/.cljs_bootstrap/cljs/tools/reader.js:1546:38
at cljs$tools$reader$reader_types$log_source (/home/joelm/scratch/cljs-bootstrap/.cljs_bootstrap/cljs/tools/reader/reader_types.js:873:16)
at cljs$tools$reader$target (/home/joelm/scratch/cljs-bootstrap/.cljs_bootstrap/cljs/tools/reader.js:1524:50)
I think confirming what David said in CLJS-1326... on the left are reader.js and tools/reader.js from the cljs-bootstrap-kanaka, and on the right are the same from cljs-bootstrap. You can see bottom-left that the kanaka tools/reader.js is the one missing the wrapping truth_ calls (can't say that I grok the purpose of reader versus tools/reader):
If cljs.reader
is used, 0
works, but ::x
fails to expand.
( "0")
produces the error, while
(cljs.reader/read-string "0")
produces 0
One way to get zero working in cljs-bootstrap-kanaka, and I assume replete: rebuild clojurescript with the compiler.cljc "unchecked" condition removed in the :if emitter. Bootstrapped tools/reader.js will then include the expected cljs.core.truth_ wrappers. (Presumably the unchecked-if atom is not getting reset to false.)
diff --git a/src/main/clojure/cljs/compiler.cljc b/src/main/clojure/cljs/compiler.cljc
index 0d815a4..fea5780 100644
--- a/src/main/clojure/cljs/compiler.cljc
+++ b/src/main/clojure/cljs/compiler.cljc
@@ -415,7 +415,9 @@
(defmethod emit* :if
[{:keys [test then else env unchecked]}]
(let [context (:context env)
- checked (not (or unchecked (safe-test? env test)))]
+ checked (not (or
+ ;; unchecked ;; Workaround replete issue #8
+ (safe-test? env test)))]
(truthy-constant? test) (emitln then)
(falsey-constant? test) (emitln else)
@kanaka Found a workaround. TL;DR: build main file before macros
[08:07 PM] <mfikes> dnolen: Yep. I took a look at the "0" reader issue and couldn't repro it with your cljs-bootstrap repo. It vexes me, and thus must be squashed.
[08:07 PM] <mfikes> I have a handful of others in addition to that one to attempt to sort through.
[08:08 PM] <dnolen> mfikes: it looks to me like something weird with Joel's build proces
[08:08 PM] <dnolen> it's not clear to me how that code could ever get generated
[08:08 PM] <mfikes> Yeah... I'll spend some time on it. It is fortunately deterministic. :)
[08:10 PM] <dnolen> some hints
[08:10 PM] <dnolen> if the compiler cannot infer that the type of a value is boolean it protects primitive boolean tests with a call to cljs.core.truth_
[08:10 PM] <dnolen> this is to catch cases like
[08:10 PM] <dnolen> if(cljs.core.truth_(0)) { ... }
[08:11 PM] <dnolen> 0 is true in Clojure(Script) false in JavaScript
[08:11 PM] <mfikes> dnolen: Ahh that helps. I didn't even know inference was part of the game. Cool!
[08:11 PM] <dnolen> only if the the compiler can prove that the value is boolean OR if something set!s *unchecked-if* to true
[08:11 PM] <dnolen> can you end up with
[08:12 PM] <dnolen> if(0) { ... }
[08:12 PM] <dnolen> again, ClojureScript never generates such a thing, but somehow Joel's tools.reader got corrupted
[08:12 PM] <dnolen> perhaps because it was generated from a bootstrapped thing? I don't know.
[08:14 PM] <mfikes> dnolen: I got it too, from your tools.reader, in Replete. I'll dig into it.
[08:16 PM] <dnolen> mfikes: right but I don't see it in when I compile tools.reader via cljs-bootstrap
[08:18 PM] <mfikes> dnolen: Yeah. Someone commented on a Replete ticket, showing it in the lower-left corner. I'll get to the bottom of it. :)
[08:21 PM] <mfikes> My best hunch is :static-fns or somesuch... we'll see
[08:25 PM] <dnolen> mfikes: yes, I noticed something weird today around :static-fns
[08:25 PM] <dnolen> not a lack of call to truth but weird interaction with boolean inference.
[10:07 PM] <mfikes> dnolen: I have a solution to the "0" problem, even though I don't yet understand why. I copied Joel's build script into Replete, and the issue occurs at build time when running that build.clj. If I move this (macros) line down so that it compiles "cljs/core.cljc" after "replete/core.cljs" (which is the namespace requiring tools reader), then it works:
[10:08 PM] <mfikes> dnolen: I only tried this based on your suggestion of statefulness of *unchecked-if*
[10:22 PM] <dnolen> mfikes: right probably just a bug some where around *unchecked-if*
[10:22 PM] <mfikes> dnolen: I did the due-dilligence to see if it was inadvertently flipped on... no avail. Anyway, I'm glad I have a workaround for now.
The literal 0 can not be used in expressions :
with the stack trace :