replikation / What_the_Phage

WtP: Phage identification via nextflow and docker or singularity
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problems with dockers #5

Closed mult1fractal closed 4 years ago

mult1fractal commented 4 years ago

General thread to talk and solve Dockerfile issues

mult1fractal commented 4 years ago


Hab den Docker für PhySpi fertig:

FROM continuumio/miniconda2
RUN apt-get update && apt install -y procps git wget make gcc g++ unzip && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

RUN conda config --add channels conda-forge && \
    conda config --add channels bioconda && \
    conda config --add channels default

# Package randomForest in R - version 4.5-36 or later
RUN     conda install -c conda-forge r-randomforest && \
        conda install -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 r-randomforest && \
        conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf201901 r-randomforest && \
        conda install -c scikit-learn

#get git
RUN git clone
RUN cd /PhiSpy && \

RUN cd /PhiSpy && \
    chmod a+x * 


(base) root@3629ca1b762e:/PhiSpy/Test_Organism/160490.1# ls Features TAXONOMY annotations contigs GENOME TAXONOMY_ID assigned_functions

(base) root@f7b9fccd7393:/# -i /home/mike/Documents/De-Phage/local_Docker_dev/testfolder/all_drafts/OX2_draft.fa -o outputdir -t 25 Cannot open /home/mike/Documents/De-Phage/local_Docker_dev/testfolder/all_drafts/OX2_draft.fa/contigs

% ./ -i organism_directory -o output_directory -c

where: 'output directory': Output directory is the directory where the final output file will be created.

'organism directory': The seed annotation directory for the input bacterial organism whose prophage(s) need to be identified.

You can download the SEED genomes from the PhAnToMe database

Or, If you have new genome, you can annotate it using the RAST server. After annotation, you can download the genome directory from the server.

Or, If you have the GenBank file (containing sequence) of the genome, you can convert it using the following command: % python organism_directory

Now to run PhiSpy, use organism_directory as 'organism directory'.

replikation commented 4 years ago

die anwendung sieht complexer aus mit diesen seed genomen: naja adde das dockerfile und bau den auf docker hub.

Versuche mal rauszubekommen was du alles machen muss um das analysieren. genbank files kann man mit prokka erstellen. das kann ich einbauen.

mult1fractal commented 4 years ago


From continuumio/miniconda3
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update && apt install -y procps git locate wget make gcc && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

RUN conda config --add channels conda-forge && \
    conda config --add channels bioconda && \
    conda config --add channels default

Run conda install hmmer prodigal

#get git
Run git clone

#install Phigaro
#     printf "1\n1\nn" | phi.....  beantwortet alle fragen
RUN cd phigaro && \
    pip install phigaro && \
    chmod a+x * && \
    printf "1\n1\nn" | phigaro-setup --no-updatedb
  #  phigaro-setup --no-updatedb 

# datenbank download dauert 30 min 


# phigaro -f /phigaro/test_data/Bacillus_anthracis_str_ames.fna -e txt html stdout -o result
#ergebnisdatei ist result

build und Error-msg

Please select appropriate Prodigal location [1] /opt/conda/bin/prodigal [2] Add another path manually Choose your option (Enter for /opt/conda/bin/prodigal): Please select appropriate HMMER location [1] /opt/conda/bin/hmmsearch [2] Add another path manually Choose your option (Enter for /opt/conda/bin/hmmsearch):

mult1fractal commented 4 years ago

Meine Idee zu Phigaro:

replikation commented 4 years ago


Please select appropriate Prodigal location [1] /opt/conda/bin/prodigal [2] Add another path manually Choose your option (Enter for /opt/conda/bin/prodigal): Please select appropriate HMMER location [1] /opt/conda/bin/hmmsearch [2] Add another path manually Choose your option (Enter for /opt/conda/bin/hmmsearch):

mult1fractal commented 4 years ago
mult1fractal commented 4 years ago
replikation commented 4 years ago

we cant go into the /phigaro workdir. we have a separate process dir in nextflow

mult1fractal commented 4 years ago