replikation / poreCov

SARS-CoV-2 workflow for nanopore sequence data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Report also VCF files #217

Closed hoelzer closed 1 year ago

hoelzer commented 2 years ago

For many down-stream analyses, it would be neat to also have the VCF file available. I think this should be easy to publish the VCF file that is finally also used to reconstruct the consensus, for example also in the 2.Genomes folder?

replikation commented 2 years ago

this file?

hoelzer commented 2 years ago

I'm checking right now... not 100% sure what's the final VCF from the pipeline, there are at least:


In the pass.vcf I still see duplicated entries for the two different pools, such as

MN908947.3      10447   .       G       A       53.555  PASS    DP=117.0;DPS=53.0,64.0;Pool=2   GT:GQ   1:54
MN908947.3      10447   .       G       A       43.141  PASS    DP=207.0;DPS=101.0,106.0;Pool=1 GT:GQ   1:43
MN908947.3      10449   .       C       A       50.316  PASS    DP=117.0;DPS=53.0,64.0;Pool=2   GT:GQ   1:50
MN908947.3      10449   .       C       A       40.963  PASS    DP=207.0;DPS=101.0,106.0;Pool=1 GT:GQ   1:41

so I thought they might be solved in the merged.vcf.gz but still here we have basically the same

MN908947.3      10447   .       G       A       53.555  PASS    DP=117.0;DPS=53.0,64.0;Pool=2   GT:GQ   1:54
MN908947.3      10447   .       G       A       43.141  PASS    DP=207.0;DPS=101.0,106.0;Pool=1 GT:GQ   1:43
MN908947.3      10449   .       C       A       50.316  PASS    DP=117.0;DPS=53.0,64.0;Pool=2   GT:GQ   1:50
MN908947.3      10449   .       C       A       40.963  PASS    DP=207.0;DPS=101.0,106.0;Pool=1 GT:GQ   1:41

So I'm right now not entirely sure if the pass or merged is the more up to date one we should output for downstream analysis.

hoelzer commented 2 years ago

Is the merged.vcf ever used in the workflow? Or is all later steps then based on the SNP*passed.vcf? If so, I vote for the passed.vcf ;)

replikation commented 2 years ago

not sure is it -> merge (both primer pools) then separating into pass and fail?

hoelzer commented 2 years ago

Ah, this could be also the case. I would say the SNP*passed.vcf as you initially suggested makes sense. But I'm not 100% sure that's the one that is then used to reconstruct the consensus. @MarieLataretu did you look into this more closely when you were grinding through the guts of the ARTIC wf?

MarieLataretu commented 2 years ago

I stumbled across that when I looked at the nanopolish/medaka difference. But I don't remember the file content; I just look through the code again:

merged ( is separated into pass and fail (

From the ARTIC SOP:

samplename.merged.vcf - all detected variants in VCF format samplename.pass.vcf - detected variants in VCF format passing quality filter - detected variants in VCF format failing quality filter

SNP is the pass vcf from ARTIC and renamed in the ARTIC wf of poreCov

hoelzer commented 2 years ago

thx @MarieLataretu

alright, then I'd say this is correct and could be used for additional analyses, visualizations, ...

this file?

Just curious how tools will handle the different information from the two pools.

And just remembered that we also use the pass VCF for CoVarPlot already:

MarieLataretu commented 2 years ago

But I'm not 100% sure that's the one that is then used to reconstruct the consensus.

It's like that:

  1. for each pool, do medaka consensus, medaka variant
  2. merge vcfs from all pools
  3. seperated merged into pass and fail
hoelzer commented 2 years ago

ah k! But then after step 3) one still has something like

MN908947.3      10447   .       G       A       53.555  PASS    DP=117.0;DPS=53.0,64.0;Pool=2   GT:GQ   1:54
MN908947.3      10447   .       G       A       43.141  PASS    DP=207.0;DPS=101.0,106.0;Pool=1 GT:GQ   1:43

in the pass.vcf. So two entries for the same position. And I just wonder how the information is then combined into the consensus. E.g. lets say pool 1 says "yes" and pool 2 says "no" : )

MarieLataretu commented 2 years ago

A good question for bcftools consensus :sweat_smile:

The strict parameter from ARTIC would remove such cases from the vcf (I think):

hoelzer commented 2 years ago

:) Ah yeah, that might be. Should be also super rare, but possible (edge-case-martin on investigation).

But we shift, so for this issue it seems fine to publish the SNP*.passed.vcf and to use this in subsequent processes and visuals. Then we will see if we run into issues w/ the two entries for same positions. Thanks for the discussion!