replikativ / konserve

A clojuresque key-value/document store protocol with core.async.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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File descriptor leak in `keys` for filesystem store? #60

Closed bwallinspire closed 2 years ago

bwallinspire commented 2 years ago

OS: Linux version 5.11.4-1-rt11-MANJARO Konserve: 0.6.0-alpha3 Clojure: 1.10.0-alpha6

With the included filesystem store backend, each call to konserve.core/keys seems to create multiple new file descriptors. E.g.:

(ns konserve-fdbug-mwe.core
   [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<!!]]
   [konserve.filestore :refer [new-fs-store]]
   [konserve.core :as k]
   [clj-pid.core :as pid]))

(defn count-fd
  "Prints count of file-descriptors in /proc/<this process pid>/fd"
  (let [fd-dir (str "/proc/" (pid/current) "/fd")]
    (count (file-seq ( fd-dir)))))

(def store (<!! (new-fs-store "/tmp/test-store")))

(println "Before calling k/keys #fd: " (count-fd))
(prn (map :key (<!! (k/keys store))))
(println "After calling k/keys #fd: " (count-fd))

Example output:

Before calling k/keys #fd: 103
After calling k/keys #fd: 107

Seems to happen whether or not the store is new/empty or not, and all the duplicate file descriptors point to "/tmp/test-store".

Is this a valid way to use keys?

whilo commented 2 years ago

Hey @bwallinspire. Yes, this is a correct use. You did not include your pid namespace. Could you check whether you can reproduce the problem on the pending feature branch with both synchronous and asynchronous protocol variants?

Meaning (k/keys store {:sync? true}) and (<!! (k/keys store {:sync? false})). The latter is still the default behaviour if you do not pass the additional :sync? option.

bwallinspire commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick response @whilo! clj-pid was a dependency used just to get the process id to check open file-descriptors: clj-pid 0.1.2. There is probably a better/platform-independent way -- I am pretty new to Java/Clojure-land hence my limited insights here.

On #57, it seems the problem still does reproduce for both asynchronous and synchronous variants.

whilo commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting! I fixed it in the PR directly. Is rt11 a realtime Linux kernel version?

bwallinspire commented 2 years ago

Great! Do you have an estimate for when #57 is merged and released?

Yes, realtime kernel -- I have been playing around with some live audio processing :)

whilo commented 2 years ago

It is merged now, you should be able to use it as 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT already, but our other backends are not yet ported. So for now you can use the filestore and memory store on the JVM.