Hello, I have big problems to use React on Replit (version Android).
And when I finished my projet on my Android phone, I have another problem, my project is not able to be launched/opened on your website, I see this "blue binoculars with green lenses".
Please can you explain me how to do that (I ask this question on different AI ChatBot but impossible to solve my problem) :
Answer me in French if you can do that.
Could you explain to me how I can add to a package.json ALL of the following command lines or equivalent to a package.json file to do automatic installation and automatic updates:
install "nvm" from a URL link via a command of the form "curl -o- [URL] | bash;", this URL contains an install.sh file
then use the command "unset npm_config_prefix;"
then install wget via the command "npm install wget;"
then install the latest npm update via "npm install -g npm@latest;"
then install yarn via the command "npm install -g yarn;"
then install version 20.9.0 of npm using the command "nvm install 20.9.0;"
then use this version 20.9.0 via the command "nvm use 20.9.0;"
then install the latest version of npx using the command "npm install -g npx@10.2.4;"
and finally use the command "quick build;"
Could you convert all these commands to run them automaticaly from the "package.json" file of a React coded project ?
I don't have to run myself these commands.
You can write a maximum of 1000 lines, if you think it is necessary to write more than 1000 lines then specify it to me before sending me your reply.
You can create a .docx or .pdf file that I could download to save your very useful answer.
You can create also a "package.json" file where all these commands have already been written ENTIRELY (no simplification! no shortcuts!).
Explain to me step by step, without skipping a step. Give me a maximum of 8 trusted sources, including a maximum of 5 trusted and written sources and a maximum of 3 trusted sources from YouTube (regardless of the number of subscribers). Thank you.
Hello, I have big problems to use React on Replit (version Android). And when I finished my projet on my Android phone, I have another problem, my project is not able to be launched/opened on your website, I see this "blue binoculars with green lenses".
Please can you explain me how to do that (I ask this question on different AI ChatBot but impossible to solve my problem) : Answer me in French if you can do that. Could you explain to me how I can add to a package.json ALL of the following command lines or equivalent to a package.json file to do automatic installation and automatic updates:
Thank in advance.