reply2future / xExtension-NewsAssistant

An extension to summarize the feeds of FreshRSS using GPT.
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gen.layout.title is not a valid key #16

Open Whichbfj28 opened 9 months ago

Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago

[Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:56:11 +0000] [error] --- Could not fetch available extension from GitHub [Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:56:12 +0000] [error] --- Could not fetch available extension from GitHub [Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:56:13 +0000] [error] --- Could not fetch available extension from GitHub [Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:56:14 +0000] [error] --- Could not fetch available extension from GitHub [Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:56:39 +0000] [debug] --- gen.layout.title is not a valid key [Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:56:39 +0000] [debug] --- gen.action.set_read is not a valid key [Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:58:35 +0000] [debug] --- gen.layout.title is not a valid key [Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:58:35 +0000] [debug] --- gen.action.set_read is not a valid key


reply2future commented 9 months ago

How do you install this extension? this is the tutorial. Could you show me the path of your extension?

Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago


FreshRSS 1.20.2

reply2future commented 9 months ago
  1. Could you show me the content of /home/wwwroot/..../xExtension-NewsAssistant-main/i18n/gen.php? It should be like this, and the value gen.layout.title is from here.

return array( 'action' => array( 'submit' => 'Submit', 'cancel' => 'Cancel', 'back' => 'Back', 'set_read' => 'Read', ), 'layout' => array( 'title' => 'The summary of Today' ), 'holder' => array( 'empty_content' => 'No news is a good news.' ) );

2. Have you already configured the extension? It looks like init function is not called.
<img width="1689" alt="image" src="">
reply2future commented 9 months ago

Could not fetch available extension from GitHub

It looks like you server could not access the website, so you could not open the configuration page of extensions, and it should be blank page.

Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago

Could not fetch available extension from GitHub

It looks like you server could not access the website, so you could not open the configuration page of extensions, and it should be blank page.

I have already solved this problem. But it still cannot be used. Here is a screenshot

image image

Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago

Modified 2 places

  1. Modify ext. field. prompt (?) to 总结一下,因为你是新闻编辑
  2. ['title '=>' The summary of Today 'is modified] to [' title '=>' 总结如下'] No other modifications have been made
reply2future commented 9 months ago

Could not fetch available extension from GitHub It looks like you server could not access the website, so you could not open the configuration page of extensions, and it should be blank page.

I have already solved this problem. But it still cannot be used. Here is a screenshot

image image

It must be the problem that there is not any language of i18n to match zh. I would check it later, but PR is welcome :).

Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago

Could not fetch available extension from GitHub It looks like you server could not access the website, so you could not open the configuration page of extensions, and it should be blank page.

I have already solved this problem. But it still cannot be used. Here is a screenshot image image

It must be the problem that there is not any language of i18n to match zh. I would check it later, but PR is welcome :).


reply2future commented 9 months ago

Please update the version to 0.6 (just like how to install), and the display text would be correct.

Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago




1、It doesn't work 2、No log errors were found.

  1. I will first delete the old version of the xExtension NewsAssistant main folder in the plugin
  2. Then upload the new version 0.6 xExtension NewsAssistant main file to it
  3. Where the UI was discovered. This includes fields such as openai, Max Tokens, Temperature, fields sent to OpenAI, number of articles read at once, Prompt, and model [automatically using version 0.5 configuration]. I don't know if it has an impact
Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago


Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago

image After the API is created.Still not working

reply2future commented 9 months ago

The problem should be the usage of this extension, it's designed to summary a category feeds, like this:


It may be not friendly and non-straight what I would improve the user experience.

If this is not the problem, you should take a screen capture or record to show you steps to reproduct the problem.

Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago


reply2future commented 9 months ago

You should set the debug status and share the log file to see what happens.

reply2future commented 9 months ago

12 12

Could you show me the query param of the URL? like this:

  1. /i/?c=assistant&a=summary&cat_id=6&state=2
  2. /i/?c=assistant&a=stream&cat_id=6&state=2

It should read the articles fail.

Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago


Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago

You should set the debug status and share the log file to see what happens.

No log errors were found。it was empty.


Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago

I am using the PostgreSQL database。Because there is too much content. The efficiency of using MySQL is very low

Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago

Clicking the Set as Read button does not take effect

reply2future commented 9 months ago
  1. There are log files in the /home/www/....../freshrss/data/log directory or /home/www/...../freshrss/data/www/freshrss/data/users/<you username>/log.txt
  2. It should have nothing to do with the database
  3. Set as Read button would work when fetching the articles like that: image
Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago

image it was empty.

Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago

Found something. I found that the configuration of News Assistant is written in data/config.php But other plugins seem to not write the configuration here.

reply2future commented 9 months ago
  1. First of all you should check it set the development status in your service on your data/config.php, then check the nginx or apache log which depends on your server, somethings like that:

  2. I make this extension to be system level extension, so the configuration would be written in data/config.php


Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago
  1. First of all you should check it set the development status in your service on your data/config.php, then check the nginx or apache log which depends on your server, somethings like that:
  1. I make this extension to be system level extension, so the configuration would be written in data/config.php


121.8.. - - [18/Sep/2023:09:30:39 +0800] "GET /p/i/?c=assistant&a=summary&cat_id=7&state=2 HTTP/2.0" 200 2756 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" 121.8.. - - [18/Sep/2023:09:30:39 +0800] "GET /p/ext.php?f=xExtension-NewsAssistant-main%2Fstatic%2Fstyle.css&t=css&1694678627 HTTP/2.0" 200 431 "https://f.*.com/p/i/?c=assistant&a=summary&cat_id=7&state=2" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" 121.8.. - - [18/Sep/2023:09:30:39 +0800] "GET /p/ext.php?f=xExtension-NewsAssistant-main%2Fstatic%2Fscript.js&t=js&1694678627 HTTP/2.0" 200 980 "https://f.*.com/p/i/?c=assistant&a=summary&cat_id=7&state=2" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" 121.8.. - - [18/Sep/2023:09:30:40 +0800] "GET /i/?c=assistant&a=stream&cat_id=7&state=2 HTTP/2.0" 404 548 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"

Whichbfj28 commented 9 months ago

My webpage address is: https://*.com/p/i/?c=assistant&a=summary&cat_id=7&state=2
no https://*.com/i/?c=assistant&a=summary&cat_id=7&state=2

Attention P

reply2future commented 9 months ago

My webpage address is: no

Attention P

this new version would solve your problem.

TeunvandeBerg commented 8 months ago

I experience (what I think is) this issue too:


reply2future commented 3 months ago

I experience (what I think is) this issue too:


which version do you use? what are the error logs?