reply2future / xExtension-NewsAssistant

An extension to summarize the feeds of FreshRSS using GPT.
The Unlicense
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Gemini AI support #28

Closed aligundogar closed 1 month ago

aligundogar commented 1 month ago

Thinking of run it with FreshRSS, is there anyone to can help me?

const Parser = require('rss-parser'); const { GoogleGenerativeAI, HarmCategory, HarmBlockThreshold, } = require('@google/generative-ai');

const MODEL_NAME = 'gemini-1.5-pro-latest'; const API_KEY = 'XXX';

const parser = new Parser(); const feedURL = '';

async function getRSSData() { try { const feed = await parser.parseURL(feedURL); const latestItem = feed.items[0];

const rssContent = `${latestItem.title} ${latestItem.contentSnippet}`;

return rssContent;

} catch (err) { console.error('RSS verisi alınamadı:', err); return null; } }

async function runChat() { const rssContent = await getRSSData();

if (!rssContent) { console.log('RSS verisi alınamadı.'); return; }

const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY); const model = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: MODEL_NAME });

const generationConfig = { temperature: 1, topK: 0, topP: 0.95, maxOutputTokens: 8192, };

const safetySettings = [ { category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT, threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE, }, { category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH, threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE, }, { category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT, threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE, }, { category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT, threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE, }, ];

const chat = model.startChat({ generationConfig, safetySettings, history: [], });

const result = await chat.sendMessage(rssContent);

const response = result.response; console.log(response.text()); }


reply2future commented 1 month ago

For your title of your question you could see that answer

For your content you should to ask FreshRSS repo for help. I think you didn't know how to get the rss content from FreshRSS, if it like what I say, you could find the RSS content from URL like this and you should change the domain and query params to your need.

aligundogar commented 1 month ago

No, I know hot to get feed from freshrss. I want to use it like your ex. I also asked to FreshRss repo. I just like to way your ex is working. Just wondered to use Gemini API like openai.

aligundogar commented 1 month ago

otherwise the code is already running on javascript. I can get what I want at this point just wanted to merge with the Newsassistant because gemini api is free atm.

reply2future commented 1 month ago

This extension supports Portkey-AI/gateway so it could support a lot of LLM api because it unified API Signature as OpenAI, and it would solve or to support other new AI API which is not the goal of this project.


reply2future commented 1 month ago
aligundogar commented 1 month ago

Thank you.