reply2future / xExtension-NewsAssistant

An extension to summarize the feeds of FreshRSS using GPT.
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No output #29

Open Whichbfj28 opened 1 month ago

Whichbfj28 commented 1 month ago


image As shown in the figure, there is no text output [I can run normally in another freshress] Use a self built chatGPT model that is compatible with OpenAI. There is no log output in the large model


Normally, there should be such output. But there is no log output in this freshress (This screenshot is another normal summary of freshress logs)

reply2future commented 1 month ago
  1. You should have a look at the log by enable development tools. image
  2. Please post the log of freshrss (Here is how to enable the log of freshrss)