repman-io / repman

Repman - PHP Repository Manager: packagist proxy and host for private packages
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How can we register repman repo in composer.json file via command? #585

Open Calvin495 opened 2 years ago

Calvin495 commented 2 years ago

We are trying to set up private packages in the repman. everything is going normal. we just have one question.

Is there a specific command using which we can register the repman repo and add its entry in the composer.json file automatically? just like as they provide one composer config command that can add a repo in the composer.json file automatically. the command is as below.

composer config repositories.private-packagist composer

Currently, as far as we figured out we need to add the repman's entry in the composer.json file manually. Can anyone help with this?

NOTE: this is just a question/concern. this is not an issue

marmichalski commented 2 years ago

Like this?

$ cat composer.json | jq --arg repo 'https://my.repman' '.repositories += [{"type": "composer", "repo": $repo}] | .repositories += [{"": false}]' | tee composer.json

What it does is it reads your current composer.json and adds (or creates) repositories array with 2 objects: one is your repo repman url, the other is somethings that's on Getting started of

Should this command override the repositories with those 2 entries at all times or just append them?

swichers commented 1 year ago

You can use these commands to setup repman authentication globally

composer config --global --auth http-basic.<org name> token <token here>
composer config --global repo.<org name> composer 'https://<org name>'

And there will be no need to add the information to your composer.json