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rtorrent/libtorrent inconsistency #251

Open backstep opened 11 years ago

backstep commented 11 years ago

Hello there,

I've been having this issue for ages, but haven't found it reported here, it's present on both CentOs 5 x86_64 and CentOs 6 x86_64.

After installing rtorrent via yum (after adding repoforge repo of course) it install the following packages:


once I try to start rtorrent I get:

[root@host ~]# rtorrent
rtorrent: symbol lookup error: rtorrent: undefined symbol: _ZN7torrent10ThreadBase8m_globalE
[root@host ~]# 

Downgrading libtorrent (yum downgrade libtorrent) fixes the issue, I'm ending up with this combination of the packages:


I believe this is an inconsistency between rtorrent vs. libtorrent in repoforge repositories.

Cheers! Lukas

dfateyev commented 11 years ago

It has been reported before, see #206. In short, 'rtorrent' and 'libtorrent' packages in repo need to be rebuilt, but I don't know when it happens.

backstep commented 11 years ago

Ah, well I was only searching through open issues I guess, #206 is closed even though the issue is still present, hopefully this can bring it to life.

JackWells commented 10 years ago

The only workaround I found (other than building from source) is another repo, which also has the added benefit of a much newer version.

  1. yum erase rtorrent libtorrent
  2. wget
  3. yum localinstall denf-repo-release-6-1.el6.denf.noarch.rpm
  4. yum --disablerepo '*' --enablerepo denf install rtorrent
