reportportal / agent-Python-RobotFramework

Robot Framework integration for Report Portal
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How to attach all RF result to Report portal? #128

Closed cola6969 closed 2 years ago

cola6969 commented 3 years ago

Is there any option that can add to Report Portal run attachments all RF results? If yes how i can do this?

iivanou commented 3 years ago

@cola6969 Can you please specify what exactly you'd like to add?

cola6969 commented 3 years ago

I'd like to add automatically report.html and log.html. My RF reports are saved as current data is Results folder.

iivanou commented 3 years ago

@cola6969 Currently, you can attach the report.html only. Add --variable RP_ATTACH_REPORT:"True" to the command line.

cola6969 commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately even if I have this variable in my configuration the report.html is not available from Report Portal. This option is not working for my project.

My file looks like this:

def get_variables(): variables = { "RP_UUID": "my_uuid", "RP_ENDPOINT": "", "RP_LAUNCH": "TEST_EXAMPLE", "RP_PROJECT": "user_personal", "RP_ATTACH_REPORT": "True", } return variables

Everything in Report Portal shows fine except no report.html attachment

Python version is 3.9.2 Robot Framework - 3.2.2

report.html is under: reportportal\Results\report.html

iivanou commented 3 years ago

Where are you looking for the report? Show me the screenshot, please.

cola6969 commented 3 years ago

Never mind, I found where the problem was and found report.html in Report Portal ;p

The only thing that remains is log.html without which report.html is of little use

iivanou commented 3 years ago

Adding other artifacts is not implemented yet. But it's been planned.