reportportal / agent-Python-RobotFramework

Robot Framework integration for Report Portal
Apache License 2.0
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No launch in reportportal after execution pabot tests #153

Closed gajdaj2 closed 1 year ago

gajdaj2 commented 1 year ago

I have this issue when I execute my tests with pabot. Everything going ok but I don't see launch in reportportal my version of reportportal: 5.6.1 , pabot: 2.7.0, robotframework 5.0.1 robot-framerwork-reportportal 5.2.0

I'm executing my tests like this: pabot --verbose --processes 6 --listener robotframework_reportportal.listener --variable RP_LAUNCH_UUID:xxxxxxx --variable RP_UUID:xxxxxx --variable RP_ENDPOINT:https://reportportal_url --variable RP_LAUNCH:SANITY --variable RP_PROJECT:project_name --include healthcheck -v env:dev02 -v Release:APiv2 tests

in output I get this:

Storing .pabotsuitenames file Suite names resolved in 3.032909870147705 seconds 2022-10-06 09:40:13.377252 [PID:13540] [0] [ID:0] EXECUTING PARALLEL Tests.Services Health Check with command: robot --suite "Tests.Services Health Check" --include healthcheck --variable RP_LAUNCH_UUID:xxxxx --variable RP_UUID:xxxxx--variable RP_ENDPOINT:https://reportportal)url --variable RP_LAUNCH:SANITY --variable RP_PROJECT:project_name --variable env:dev01 --variable Release:APIv2 --variable CALLER_ID:91d2082319f444c48d4beb921dd9e9cd --variable PABOTLIBURI: --variable PABOTEXECUTIONPO OLID:0 --variable PABOTISLASTEXECUTIONINPOOL:1 --variable PABOTNUMBEROFPROCESSES:6 --variable PABOTQUEUEINDEX:0 --variable PABOTLASTLEVEL: --listener robotframework_reportportal.listener --log NONE --report NONE --xunit NONE --outpu tdir ".\pabot_results\0" --consolecolors off --consolemarkers off tests 2022-10-06 09:40:23.337080 [PID:13540] [0] [ID:0] PASSED Tests.Services Health Check in 9.1 seconds


Tests.Services Health Check

Obh Services Health check | PASS |

Down Stream Services Health Check | PASS |

Tests.Services Health Check | PASS | 2 tests, 2 passed, 0 failed

Tests | PASS | 2 tests, 2 passed, 0 failed

Output: C:\git_repos\SIT\openbanking-automation-sit\pabot_results\0\output.xml

2 tests, 2 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped.

Output: C:\\output.xml Log: C:\\log.html Report: C:\\report.html Total testing: 9.10 seconds Elapsed time: 13.13 seconds

sovap commented 1 year ago

HI all, did a similar test with pabot with the same results. Nothing was imported to reportportal.

Here are the versions: reportportal: 5.7.2 robotframework-pabot: 2.8.0 robotframework 5.0.1 robot-framerwork-reportportal 5.3.0

Here is the command: pabot --pabotlib --processes 10 --testlevelsplit --include report_test -d robot/results --loglevel TRACE -v NO_CACHE:1 --listener robotframework_reportportal.listener --variable RP_UUID:464fa3f5-3b0d-4be7-a0d4-395f8abae5ad --variable RP_ENDPOINT:http://localhost:8080 --variable RP_LAUNCH:Regression --variable RP_PROJECT:vbt -V robot/config/variables/ robot/tests

Log from robotframework: 20221118 13:13:46.938 ERROR Calling method 'start_suite' of listener 'robotframework_reportportal.listener' failed: RobotServiceException: Pabot library is used but RP_LAUNCH_UUID was not provided. Please, initialize listener with the RP_LAUNCH_UUID argument. 20221118 13:13:47.113 WARN start_test_item - invalid response: {'errorCode': 4001, 'message': "Incorrect Request. [Field 'launchUuid' should not be null.] "}
20221118 13:13:47.126 WARN Attempt to start item for non-existent parent item
20221118 13:13:48.145 WARN start_test_item - invalid response: {'errorCode': 4001, 'message': "Incorrect Request. [Field 'launchUuid' should not be null.] "}
20221118 13:13:48.148 WARN Attempt to start item for non-existent parent item
20221118 13:13:48.211 WARN start_test_item - invalid response: {'errorCode': 4001, 'message': "Incorrect Request. [Field 'launchUuid' should not be null.] "}
20221118 13:13:48.212 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.212 WARN Attempt to start item for non-existent parent item
20221118 13:13:48.221 WARN start_test_item - invalid response: {'errorCode': 4001, 'message': "Incorrect Request. [Field 'launchUuid' should not be null.] "}
20221118 13:13:48.222 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.261 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.592 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.593 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.860 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.860 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.861 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.861 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.862 WARN Attempt to start item for non-existent parent item
20221118 13:13:48.872 WARN start_test_item - invalid response: {'errorCode': 4001, 'message': "Incorrect Request. [Field 'launchUuid' should not be null.] "}
20221118 13:13:48.872 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.873 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.875 WARN Attempt to start item for non-existent parent item
20221118 13:13:48.932 WARN start_test_item - invalid response: {'errorCode': 4001, 'message': "Incorrect Request. [Field 'launchUuid' should not be null.] "}
20221118 13:13:48.932 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.933 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.934 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.935 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.946 WARN start_test_item - invalid response: {'errorCode': 4001, 'message': "Incorrect Request. [Field 'launchUuid' should not be null.] "}
20221118 13:13:48.946 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.947 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:48.947 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.170 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.171 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.174 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.245 WARN start_test_item - invalid response: {'errorCode': 4001, 'message': "Incorrect Request. [Field 'launchUuid' should not be null.] "}
20221118 13:13:49.246 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.247 WARN Attempt to start item for non-existent parent item
20221118 13:13:49.301 WARN start_test_item - invalid response: {'errorCode': 4001, 'message': "Incorrect Request. [Field 'launchUuid' should not be null.] "}
20221118 13:13:49.302 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.303 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.304 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.305 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.307 WARN Attempt to start item for non-existent parent item
20221118 13:13:49.322 WARN start_test_item - invalid response: {'errorCode': 4001, 'message': "Incorrect Request. [Field 'launchUuid' should not be null.] "}
20221118 13:13:49.323 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.324 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.325 WARN Attempt to start item for non-existent parent item
20221118 13:13:49.339 WARN start_test_item - invalid response: {'errorCode': 4001, 'message': "Incorrect Request. [Field 'launchUuid' should not be null.] "}
20221118 13:13:49.339 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.340 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.341 WARN Attempt to log to non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.342 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.343 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.345 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.347 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.349 WARN Attempt to finish non-existent item 20221118 13:13:49.351 ERROR Calling method 'end_suite' of listener 'robotframework_reportportal.listener' failed: IndexError: pop from empty list

Here is the log from console (nothing interesting here i guess):

Storing .pabotsuitenames file
2022-11-18 13:13:42.152724 [PID:33280] [0] [ID:0] EXECUTING Tests.Common.Keywords.Sftp Tests.Sftp test 2 - create a directory on the sftp server
2022-11-18 13:13:49.853390 [PID:33280] [0] [ID:0] PASSED Tests.Common.Keywords.Sftp Tests.Sftp test 2 - create a directory on the sftp server in 6.9 seconds
1 tests, 1 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped.
Output:  C:\Users\sovap\Projects\payments-parent\Testing-refactoring\robot\results\output.xml
Log:     C:\Users\sovap\Projects\payments-parent\Testing-refactoring\robot\results\log.html
Report:  C:\Users\sovap\Projects\payments-parent\Testing-refactoring\robot\results\report.html
Stopping PabotLib process
Robot Framework remote server at started.
Robot Framework remote server at stopped.
PabotLib process stopped
Total testing: 6.90 seconds
Elapsed time:  9.39 seconds

Process finished with exit code 0

Note: without pabot everything is working as expected.

HardNorth commented 1 year ago

@gajdaj2 @sovap It's not possible for us to create a launch with pabot before it starts running test suites. Pabot does not provide any instruments to do something before test suites are distributed across processes.

So you should use RP_LAUNCH_UUID property and provide there a UUID of existing launch. See our documentation:

Also you can create a new launch in a shell script with curl command, like that:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/default_personal/launch' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer your_api_token_here' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "attributes": [
      "key": "key",
      "value": "value"
  "description": "Launch description",
  "mode": "DEFAULT",
  "name": "Launch name",
  "startTime": "2021-05-28T08:03:05.063Z"

And extract Launch UUID from the response:

    "id": "08657127-80f6-4b98-9507-9030c9da40c4",
    "number": 1

You can use jq command for it, E.G.:

| jq -r '.id'

The result will look like that: 08657127-80f6-4b98-9507-9030c9da40c4

theeraweej commented 1 year ago


I am working on robot framework and pabot. It works properly as I can see the test result on ReportPortal is correct. Here is what I have done

Next step, I want to send attachment to reportportal, so I I follow the instruction from by calling ''

However, it does not work as expected. Attachment is not sent to reportportal and there is no error. In order to identify the root cause, I capture the message and I can see that launch id is NULL (it is NOT NULL when sending test result).

I am not sure which step I missed. please advise.

HardNorth commented 1 year ago

@theeraweej there is a separate issue for this: #160