reportportal / agent-java-cucumber

Cucumber JVM version [1.0.0; 2.0.0) adapter
Apache License 2.0
26 stars 16 forks source link

Could not load plugin class 'com.epam.reportportal.cucumber.ScenarioReporter'. #94

Closed Skannan612 closed 1 year ago

Skannan612 commented 1 year ago

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The plugin specification 'com.epam.reportportal.cucumber.ScenarioReporter' has a problem: Could not load plugin class 'com.epam.reportportal.cucumber.ScenarioReporter'.

Plugin specifications should have the format of PLUGIN[:[PATH|[URI [OPTIONS]]]

Valid values for PLUGIN are: html, json, junit, message, pretty, progress, rerun, summary, teamcity, testng, timeline, unused, usage

PLUGIN can also be a fully qualified class name, allowing registration of 3rd party plugins. The 3rd party plugin must implement io.cucumber.plugin.Plugin

I tried with different cucumber versions

HardNorth commented 1 year ago

The issue does not follow our mandatory template.