Open shailesh07us opened 5 years ago
You can use master branch or specify commit from it in a Gemfile. We are currently in the process of introducing this gem to some large project. We'll release a new version when we will confirm it works good enough.
Parallel running into the same launch is currently supported via one of these ways:
First way:
- It outputs a launch id.RP_FORMATTER_MODES=[attach_to_launch skip_reporting_hierarchy] RP_LAUNCH_ID=my_launch_id bundle exec cucumber some_tests -f ReportPortal::Cucumber::Formatter
. You can divide your suite into some portions and run these commands in parallel with different portions.RP_LAUNCH_ID=my_launch_id bundle exec rake reportportal:finish_launch
.Second way:
RP_FORMATTER_MODES=[skip_reporting_hierarchy] parallel_cucumber <some options> -o '<some other options> -f ReportPortal::Cucumber::ParallelFormatter'
- I didn't try it for a while so I'm not sure it works.
is needed because StartItem command in v4 creates an item even if it already exists ( It looks that StartItem command in v5 will not to do it so it will be possible to report hierarchy (folders and feature files).
single thread works like a charm but for parallel execution its not working
second way definately doesn't work, it basically executes the test but with some errors and basically its not finishing the launch. any update on when the new release is coming Thanks
I can't provide an estimate. You can use the first way and master branch in the meantime.
Thank you for the update i will definitely try the first way
~so when I tried the first way i was able to successfully start the launch using the rake task for my custom project and custom launchname but landed up here, any idea what i might have missed
2.6.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bundler/gems/agent-ruby-589332f6b562/lib/reportportal.rb:108:in `item_id_of': undefined method `key?' for 3:Integer (NoMethodError)
ignore above i was doing something wrong. @abotalov l will try to see if i can fix cucumber parallel and try to create a PR first way is not the ideal solution
@chhatbarjignesh In case you prepare a PR, don't make it too large. Reviewing large PR with many unrelated changes is too hard.
Is it possible to release a new version? There are a number of important changes like support for attributes in master. If needed, change version to 1.x so that users of older versions of report portal can use the old version of the gem.
Please release a new gem
When will new version of ReportPoral Gem due for release? last one was released in March. I tried to create gem from code in Master branch, but its having trouble with Parallel reporting.
I am having few issues while trying the 0.7
How to attach report to existing launch? I am creating a launch from Jenkins and I need to pass that launch ID to my test. I tried to provide launch Id in the Re uuid: 9e043eb3-ae8c-41f3-9d4c-81507917d1bb endpoint: project: user_personal launch:NGUX
group_by_folder: true
skip_reporting_hierarchy: true
tags: [LUX, Chrome] launch_id: 5db1a76eb9d82100013c9439
I am receiving below warning message whenever attachment is getting uploaded
c:/../../vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rest-client-2.1.0-x64-mingw32/lib/restclient/request.rb:402:in `block in make_headers': warning: Overriding "Content-Type" header "multipart/form-data" with "multipart/form-data; boundary=----RubyFormBoundaryreFEoYrSWQ4hy2kN" due to payload (StructuredWarnings::StandardWarning)