reportportal / kubernetes

Kubernetes/Helm configs for ReportPortal
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Support for IAM Role for Service Account (IRSA) if using AWS / Support for KIAM #184

Open kartik-moolya opened 3 years ago

kartik-moolya commented 3 years ago

Hi team, My request is pretty straightforward and I believe you must have already though about it. I need to use IAM Role for Service Account to be able to access my AWS Elasticsearch, and Minio (AWS S3 Bucket) also AmazonMQ if required The current Reporting Portal helm chart configuration does not allow this feature as of now. Having AWS access keys in the code would raise security concerns no matter how safely I store it also it needs to be rotated frequently.

My painpoint is

Below would be the initial steps to get started with this issue -

This could be the only reason folks on AWS are thinking twice before using this portal. Any help would be appreciated

dracut5 commented 1 month ago


I have noticed that the service account already supports annotations

But the storage configuration still relies on DATASTORE_ACCESSKEY and DATASTORE_SECRETKEY - either from the secret or as plain values, as example

The docs says that it is For AWS IAM role association

I have tried to add annotation to the service account and remove a reference to secretName, but got errors like

 Caused by: HEAD https://reportportal**** HTTP/1.1 -> HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

Secrets were populated from defaults and it seems the services tried to use them ignoring the annotation with IAM role ARN.

I suppose, you are using some sort of standard HTTP client to sign and send requests to s3, correct?

It would be great to have IRSA option supported by Report Portal.

P.S. you are doing awesome things, many thanks!