repoze / repoze.sphinx.autointerface

Auto-generate Sphinx API docs from Zope interfaces
8 stars 7 forks source link

Add beginning of a test suite. #8

Closed jamadden closed 7 years ago

jamadden commented 7 years ago

This borrows some code from the sphinx test suite (which they do not distribute.)

Add tox and travis support.

Remove support for Sphinx < 1.0.

Remove helper unicode function since we dont run on 2.6 on 3.2 anymore.

jamadden commented 7 years ago

Travis hooks will need to be enabled for this repo to see the results.

tseaver commented 7 years ago

@jamadden I just added the Travis integration, but didn't want to duplicate your .travis.yml etc. Can you re-push a trivial change (even just $ git commit --amend && git push -f origin testing would do) to exercise it?

jamadden commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Building now; I expect to need to tweak the travis config a few times.

jamadden commented 7 years ago

Welp, as a matter of fact, all four builds went green and ran all (both!) tests on the first try.

jamadden commented 7 years ago

FWIW, with those two tests the coverage looks like this:

Name                                                                      Stmts   Miss  Cover
repoze/                                                        1      0   100%
repoze/sphinx/                                                1      0   100%
repoze/sphinx/                                          76     13    83%

If I get some time I can add a .coveragerc and see what it takes to bring that number up in a different PR.

tseaver commented 7 years ago

@jamadden Thanks, looks good.