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Z axis hangs while printing #71

Closed gonAlonso closed 9 years ago

gonAlonso commented 9 years ago

Hello Every time I print an object, the Z axis motor hangs after 1st print layer. I mean, it starts printing at first_layer_height, when moving on to the second one, it tryes to move, I hear it, but it barely moves. The funny is, I can move it through the web interface buttons, or sending g-codes. I've forced it to the maxSpeed (G1 Z20 F5000) and it works seamlessly. It looks like it doesn't compute acceleration the way it should. I've been browsing the reppo, the web, forums, and no solution by now. I'm using version 0.78y-dc42, is there an updated version? Thks

RRP-support commented 9 years ago

You're using dc42's version of the firmware, not this ours, so I don't know if that is causing the problem. Try reverting to the standard firmware (0.78c), using the default config.g, and see if you can recreate the problem. I would expect that you have your Z axis max speed or acceleration set too high; we have reduced it, with the following lines in config.g:

M201 X500 Y500 Z15 E500 ; Accelerations (mm/s^2) M203 X15000 Y15000 Z100 E3600 ; Maximum speeds (mm/min) M566 X1200 Y1200 Z30 E1200 ; Minimum speeds mm/minute

Try these settings.

Ian RepRapPro tech support

gonAlonso commented 9 years ago

Thank you so much for your reply, Ian. It happens to be the same problem with the standard 78c FW. I've tested previous versions too without success. The curious thing is, it worked nice from two weeks, but now Z axis stopped. I've been thinking on the changes I've made, and I realized I've started using slic3r instead of cura. And I tested it now, there seems to bee an option on slic3r that mess with the firmware, and cura doesn't. Did you know about any previous case? Is it known for you? Is there something I should set/unset on slic3r? Thank you! Edit: it looks like an acceleration issue when using slic3r, though maximum accelerations are set as you recommend

RRP-support commented 9 years ago

Generally, we recommend using Slic3r. You can use Cura, but there are a few workarounds required - there is a community-created script that switches Cura from absolute to relative extrusion, and changes the Z axis so it is moved separately from X and Y, rather than all together. However, I haven't heard of such problems using Slic3r, and as this isn't normal, I don't think this is a firmware issue - it's either mechanical, or a problem with the gcode you're generating. Make sure you are using our Slic3r settings profiles - . What happens when you try to print the test files from the SD-Image, eg snowman.g?

Ideally, please email for this issue, as I don't think it is related to firmware. This is not the best channel for receiving support; it's for reporting firmware bugs.

Ian RepRapPro tech support