reproducibility-challenge / iclr_2019

ICLR Reproducibility Challenge 2019
219 stars 40 forks source link

Added Report submission for Issue 43 #146

Closed Alfo5123 closed 5 years ago

Alfo5123 commented 5 years ago


Alfo5123 commented 5 years ago

@reproducibility-org complete

Alfo5123 commented 5 years ago

We made a modification to the final report submission. Thanks @reproducibility-org complete

reproducibility-org commented 5 years ago

Hi, please find below a review submitted by one of the reviewers:

Score: 9 Reviewer 1 comment : * Problem statement They understand the motivation of the paper, which was also very clear and well presented in the original paper.

reproducibility-org commented 5 years ago

Hi, please find below a review submitted by one of the reviewers:

Score: 9 Reviewer 3 comment : PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem is very clearly presented in a self-contained fashion.

CODE The code is developed from scratch. Routines to download and pre-process the data were also included.

COMMUNICATION WITH THE ORIGINAL AUTHORS There is no reference to communication with authors. The report actually mentions some missing reproducibility details from the ICLR submission, so it seems no communication was established with the authors..

HYPERPARAMETER SEARCH There is no explicit mention to the work on trying to obtain better hyperparameters. ABLATION STUDIES No ablation studies were reported. They probably do not apply either for the type of work being reproduced.

DISCUSSION ON RESULTS There are some mentions regarding how difficult it is to reproduce the results due to the missing details and instability from hyperparameters. However, the discussion is fuzzy and is diluted in several other observations.

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REPRODUCIBILITY It is mentioned that no batch size or weight initialization method was provided. Actually the report does not provide the weight initialization scheme used in this reproducibility effort, either. This is missing in its current form.

I also appreciated that the authors of the report included a computational cost in their analysis, details that were missing in the original ICLR submission.

DISCUSSION ON RESULTS The obtained results are clearly exposed and match the conclusions of the original ICLR submission. The study also includes some additional experiments that improve performance.

As a minor issue, I do not understand why the plots on the first row in Figure 4 have a different style than the ones on the second and third row. I assume it is not relevant, but using the same style for plots would be required in the final submission.

OVERALL ORGANIZATION AND CLARITY The paper is very well organized and clear. It was smooth and clear to read. The authors made a great effort in balancing the necessary background to understand the ICLR submission, but mostly focus on their reproducibility work.

As minor issues: Do not use capital letters in Section 1.2. Must remove full stops (.) in 1.1 “...The paper we aim to reproduce.” and 2.4.4 “...the same conceptual entity.”.

Confidence : 4

reproducibility-org commented 5 years ago

Hi, please find below a review submitted by one of the reviewers:

Score: 9 Reviewer 2 comment : Excellent implementation and documentation.

Problem statement Understood and explained problem very well.

Code Implemented from scratch (authors of original paper did not provide code). Clean code.

Communication with original authors Engaged with original authors and provided suggestions for improved reproducibility and ideas for improvements for future work.

Hyperparameter search Authors do not appear to have done an extra hyperparameter search.

Ablaton study None provided.

Discussion on results Very good discussion on reproducibility of paper, along with suggestions for the original authors.

Overall organization and clarity Well structured and well written. Confidence : 5

reproducibility-org commented 5 years ago

Meta Reviewer Decision: Accept