reptilex / tesla-style-solar-power-card

Home assistant power card mimicking the one tesla provides for the powerwall app.
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Problem with values #98

Closed pczolee closed 2 years ago

pczolee commented 2 years ago


My Problem is, that the values shown is different than the real values. For example here you can see that the solar power is 1761W, but the card show 3305W kép

The grid meter showing 265W import, but I have -265W (so 265W export) kép kép

The house itself looks good: kép

This is my config is:

  • type: custom:tesla-style-solar-power-card
    show_w_not_kw: 1
    name: Current state
    generation_to_grid_entity: sensor.feedin_power
    generation_to_house_entity: sensor.load_power
    generation_to_battery_entity: sensor.zero_power
    battery_to_house_entity: sensor.zero_power
    house_entity: sensor.load_power
    grid_entity: sensor.total_power
    generation_entity: sensor.inverter_power
    grid_icon: mdi:transmission-tower
    generation_icon: mdi:solar-panel-large
    house_icon: mdi:home
    battery_icon: mdi:battery
    appliance1_icon: mdi:server
    appliance2_icon: mdi:server


reptilex commented 2 years ago

Well you are not using the card right. Read the documentation you need entities for these flows: generation_to_grid_entity generation_to_battery_entity generation_to_house_entity grid_to_battery_entity (optional) grid_to_house_entity battery_to_grid_entity (optional) battery_to_house_entity If you don't have the flow as an entity you need to create templates. The entities substract and add to the bubbles like: battery_to_house will substract from the battery bubble/icon and add to house bubble/icon.