reputage / seedQuest

A 3D Visual Mnemonic Game for Key Recovery
Apache License 2.0
54 stars 7 forks source link

Add BIP-39 Integration #262

Closed ntelfer closed 4 years ago

ntelfer commented 5 years ago

We need to find a C# library that implements BIP 39 The github page lists a couple potential options.

We need to be able to convert a phrase to a key/game path, and generate a phrase based on a seed from SeedQuest.

westonb7 commented 5 years ago

Diceware integration is now working. Some tweaks still need to be made on the front end and back end, but it is functional.

I couldn't find a library compatible with Unity, so I rebuilt a simple BIP 39 library in unity myself. The changes are in the 'diceware_integration' branch of seedQuestAssets

Also, for anyone who is reading this and gets the bright idea to siphon off the Eth in the address generated by the seed phrase below - there is no account associated with the below seed phrase (in fact it might not even be a valid seed phrase in the first place - it's just used for testing).

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