I am using Rider with the latest build of the Rider.Reqnroll plugin.
In a pretty easy Scenario:
Scenario: Invalid login to My App
When the user fills credentials as, username: my_user and password: 123pass456
And clicks Login
Then the user is not successfully logged in My App
[When("the user fills credentials as, username: {word} and password: {word}")]
public async Task WhenTheUserFillsCredentialsAsUsernameAndPassword(string username, string password)
_scenarioContext["currentUser"] = username;
await _loginPage.FillCredentials(username, password);
This causes two issues:
The execution marks the test as Inconclusive and gives me the following log:
When the user fills credentials as, username: my_user and password: 123pass456
-> No matching step definition found for the step. Use the following code to create one:
[When(@"the user fills credentials as, username: my_user and password: (.)pass(.)")]
public void WhenTheUserFillsCredentialsAsUsernameMy_UserAndPasswordPass(int p0, int p1)
It seems like it does not support Cucumber Expressions. Is that a known issue? Do I do something wrong?
While the other Step Definitions are ok (they are not using Cucumber Expressions but Regex), all the other Steps within the same .feature file marked as "Cannot find a matching step definition", but the runner identifies them and run the tests successfully! Strange, uh?
Related to #63
Reqnroll Version
Which test runner are you using?
Test Runner Version Number
.NET Implementation
.NET 6.0
Test Execution Method
ReSharper Test Runner
Content of reqnroll.json configuration file
Issue Description
I am using Rider with the latest build of the Rider.Reqnroll plugin. In a pretty easy Scenario:
I have a Step Definition, based on Cucumber Expressions:
This causes two issues:
The execution marks the test as Inconclusive and gives me the following log:
It seems like it does not support Cucumber Expressions. Is that a known issue? Do I do something wrong?
While the other Step Definitions are ok (they are not using Cucumber Expressions but Regex), all the other Steps within the same
file marked as "Cannot find a matching step definition", but the runner identifies them and run the tests successfully! Strange, uh?Steps to Reproduce
Implement the above Scenario
Link to Repro Project
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