reqnroll / Reqnroll

Open-source Cucumber-style BDD test automation framework for .NET.
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Fix for 81 - Cucumber Expression using Enums errors when two enums exist with the same short name #100

Closed clrudolphi closed 3 months ago

clrudolphi commented 3 months ago

This fix causes the CucumberExpressionParameterTypeRegistry to use the FQN of the enum Types used as Cucumber Expression parameters.

Types of changes

clrudolphi commented 3 months ago

@gasparnagy , this is regarding #81 . We discussed two possible sub-scenarios. This fix addresses the most immediate one (two enums that have the same short name but exist in different namespaces). Let me know if the testing is adequate. I have a short unit test, but nothing added yet in Specs or elsewhere to demonstrate no adverse affect to using enums.

clrudolphi commented 3 months ago

@gasparnagy Argh. NM. Already see where this breaks everything. I'll rethink this.

gasparnagy commented 3 months ago

@clrudolphi Yes, unfortunately the problem is conceptual here. When I did the first version of CukeEx support, I had to solve somehow that enums work. Finally the workaround was to go through all possible parameter types and register them. But obviously this is not working if there is a name duplication...

Maybe what we could do is the following: when we realize that there is a duplication (we are about to add one with a name, but the dictionary already has sg with the same name), we could replace the existing value with a "proxy". This proxy would "remember" (have a list) of all ambiguous types and if (and only if) someone would try to use it actually (i.e. use a placeholder like "... {Color} ...") we would throw an error, suggesting that this is ambiguous (write out the type names from its list) and if you want to use this enum, you need to create two StepArgumentTransformations and give them unique name (names are case sensitive).

Note that @kipusoep was not actually using the registered name in #81, so in his case the "proxy" would never be actually used, so he would not see this error, but could just use the enums as he planned to.

What do you think?

Code-Grump commented 3 months ago

Creating some kind of "aggregate" transformer is an interesting idea. How would we detect when a transform is actually ambiguous? It feels like a really clever result if Reqnroll can slip around the problem when it's just theoretical and only throw an exception when there is a practical problem. 👍

gasparnagy commented 3 months ago

How would we detect when a transform is actually ambiguous?

There is a point where we would register the name to a dictionary. Is somebody is already in it is ambiguous.

clrudolphi commented 3 months ago

Identifying colliding Enum shortnames at the time of discovery is difficult as the Dictionary is built Lazily.

Instead, please review the latest change(cba2383). At execution time, if there is no match in the Dictionary based upon the name given, then I attempt to match enums just on short name (assuming that the Dict key values are FullNames of enum types). Then, if 1 match is found, return that; if more than 1, then we have an ambiguous situation.

gasparnagy commented 3 months ago

@clrudolphi good idea. I will check it.

clrudolphi commented 3 months ago

Can you make a quick manual check in a sample project to verify if it really works with this the two cases?

Please take a look at this repo with a set of projects that demonstrate behavior. I used two separate projects because the 'ambiguous' error will be thrown for EVERY test in the project as each Scenario execution is asking the registry for parameter bindings... Not great.

gasparnagy commented 3 months ago

@clrudolphi could you paste the new stack trace of the errors?

gasparnagy commented 3 months ago

error will be thrown for EVERY test in the project as each Scenario execution is asking the registry for parameter bindings

BTW, I think this is the usual behavior if there is any binding error. Like an invalid regex. So it is not that horrible.

clrudolphi commented 3 months ago

@clrudolphi could you paste the new stack trace of the errors?

In the VisualStudio Output window, the VS RnR Extension will output:

10:04:38:688    Info: OnActivityStarted: Starting Visual Studio Extension...
10:04:38:695    Info: CreateProjectScope: Initializing project: RnR81Exp2
10:04:38:745    Info: OnSettingsInitialized: Project settings initialized: .NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0,Reqnroll:1.0.2-local
10:04:39:145    Info: ThenImportBindings: 2 step definitions and 0 hooks discovered for project RnR81Exp2
10:04:39:148    Warning: ReportInvalidStepDefinitions: Invalid step definitions found: 
10:04:39:148      [Given(a shade of '{Shade}')]: ShadeEnumTestStepDefinitions.ThisWillResultInAnError(RnRGH81CucumberExpr_ItemWithSameKeyAlreadyAdded.StepDefinitions.Shade): Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name. at C:\Users\clrud\source\repos\RnR81Exp\RnR81Exp2\StepDefinitions\ColorEnumTestStepDefinition2s.cs(15,58)
10:04:39:148      [Given(a shade of '{Shade}')]: AnotherShadeEnumTestStepDefinitions.ThisWillResultInAnError(RnRGH81CucumberExpr_ItemWithSameKeyAlreadyAdded.AnotherNamespace.Shade): Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name. at C:\Users\clrud\source\repos\RnR81Exp\RnR81Exp2\StepDefinitions\ColorEnumTestStepDefinition2s.cs(31,58)
10:05:00:421    Info: ThenImportBindings: 2 step definitions and 0 hooks discovered for project RnR81Exp2
10:05:00:422    Warning: ReportInvalidStepDefinitions: Invalid step definitions found: 
10:05:00:422      [Given(a shade of '{Shade}')]: ShadeEnumTestStepDefinitions.ThisWillResultInAnError(RnRGH81CucumberExpr_ItemWithSameKeyAlreadyAdded.StepDefinitions.Shade): Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name. at C:\Users\clrud\source\repos\RnR81Exp\RnR81Exp2\StepDefinitions\ColorEnumTestStepDefinition2s.cs(15,58)
10:05:00:422      [Given(a shade of '{Shade}')]: AnotherShadeEnumTestStepDefinitions.ThisWillResultInAnError(RnRGH81CucumberExpr_ItemWithSameKeyAlreadyAdded.AnotherNamespace.Shade): Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name. at C:\Users\clrud\source\repos\RnR81Exp\RnR81Exp2\StepDefinitions\ColorEnumTestStepDefinition2s.cs(31,58)

In the Test Explorer View of VS, the Test Detail Summary is:

Using a short name of an enum with conflicting enum names will result in an Ambiguous Error
   Source: ColorEnumTest2.feature line 4
   Duration: 14 ms

Reqnroll.BindingException : Binding error(s) found: 
Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name.
Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name.

  Stack Trace: 
ErrorProvider.GetInvalidBindingRegistryError(IEnumerable`1 errors)
TestExecutionEngine.GetStepMatch(StepInstance stepInstance)
TestExecutionEngine.ExecuteStepAsync(IContextManager contextManager, StepInstance stepInstance)
ColorEnumTestingFeature.UsingAShortNameOfAnEnumWithConflictingEnumNamesWillResultInAnAmbiguousError() line 5
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---

  Standard Output: 
Given a shade of 'Grey'
-> binding error: Binding error(s) found: 
Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name.
Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name.
gasparnagy commented 3 months ago

I think this is OK.

Could you please check if you get the same behavior if you add an attribute like [When("^invalid regex ( $")]

clrudolphi commented 3 months ago

I think this is OK.

Could you please check if you get the same behavior if you add an attribute like [When("^invalid regex ( $")]

 Using a short name of an enum with conflicting enum names will result in an Ambiguous Error
   Source: ColorEnumTest2.feature line 4
   Duration: 14 ms

Reqnroll.BindingException : Binding error(s) found: 
Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name.
Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name.
Invalid pattern '^invalid regex ( $' at offset 18. Not enough )'s.

  Stack Trace: 
ErrorProvider.GetInvalidBindingRegistryError(IEnumerable`1 errors)
TestExecutionEngine.GetStepMatch(StepInstance stepInstance)
TestExecutionEngine.ExecuteStepAsync(IContextManager contextManager, StepInstance stepInstance)
ColorEnumTestingFeature.UsingAShortNameOfAnEnumWithConflictingEnumNamesWillResultInAnAmbiguousError() line 5
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---

  Standard Output: 
Given a shade of 'Grey'
-> binding error: Binding error(s) found: 
Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name.
Ambiguous Enum Parameters share the same short name 'Shade'. Use the Enum's FullName in the Cucumber Expression or define a [StepArgumentTransformation] with the chosen type and the short name.
Invalid pattern '^invalid regex ( $' at offset 18. Not enough )'s.
gasparnagy commented 3 months ago

@clrudolphi ok. so that works the same way. i think this is good.

So I think what is missing is:

clrudolphi commented 3 months ago

@gasparnagy Had to make a modification to the logic that identifies ambiguity - in addition to enums that are children of namespaces ("." + name) we also need to account for enums that are embedded in classes ("+" + name). Please confirm that the wording of the error message is acceptable.

gasparnagy commented 3 months ago

@clrudolphi yes, this is fine. Is it ready to merge once the CI is green then?

clrudolphi commented 3 months ago

Yes. I'm not aware of any other remaining action items.

gasparnagy commented 3 months ago
