requarks / wiki-v1

Legacy version (1.x) of Wiki.js
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Thumbnail regeneration error #197

Open herrlich10 opened 5 years ago

herrlich10 commented 5 years ago

I've deployed wiki.js on a single core VPS. When I upload one image file, a thumbnail is generated under data/thumbs. When I restart wiki, the thumbnail is deleted, and then regenerated. When I upload a second image file, its thumbnail can also be successfully generated, without any error. When I restart wiki now, all thumbnails are cleared again.

Actual behavior

But this time, none of them are regenerated. And the wiki-output-0.log stops at

info: [AGENT] Git Push skipped. Repository is already in sync.

Apparently the agent encounters some error and stops working, although wiki-error-0.log is empty, even after changing logging level to verbose as suggested by #47 . At this point, no images can be uploaded any more. And git sync is broken.

Expected behavior

All thumbnails should be regenerated again.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

I don't think this issue could be reproduced in all installations, otherwise it must have already been fixed.

I'm asking for help how I can track down the problem, or even apply some quick and dirty patch. I've tried to regenerate the thumbnails using my own scripts. But that doesn't help to restart the dead agent. And they will also be deleted after a wiki restart. So it doesn't help.

I understand that Nicolas is very busy these days for the 2.0 version. But could anyone give me some hints about: 1) what could be the possible reason for my current symptoms (thumbnail regeneration error for 2 or more images)? 2) Is it normal that all thumbnails are deleted and regenerated each time wiki restarts? Can I stop that from happen? 3) How to add additional debug information logging in the code?

Thank you very much!