requarks / wiki

Wiki.js | A modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Installed but not working? #11

Closed vlos closed 7 years ago

vlos commented 7 years ago

I have installed the wiki and started it but can't seem to access it.

Got the following WARNings during install. npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@^1.0.0 (node_modules\ch okidar\node_modules\fsevents): npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@ 1.0.17: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64" }) npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\vlos\WebstormP rojects\Wiki.js\package.json' npm WARN Wiki.js No description npm WARN Wiki.js No repository field. npm WARN Wiki.js No README data npm WARN Wiki.js No license field.

Also mongoDB is running, which it doesn't say required to startup, though I seem to have gotten farther with it running. Not sure if I need to create initial repository or what? (I use mongo for homebrewery before wiki).

it did seem to prompt me for my GIT login, but the webpage just sits there? NOt sure if I need to create repository for wiki? Again it doesn't specify it in the install/run.

Ok figured it out, Need to setup db directory.

So install/start instructions seem to be lacking.


NGPixel commented 7 years ago
vlos commented 7 years ago

As mentioned I have it up and running at this point, though I feel you need to work on the install documents to make it clearer.

Also when you start the wiki you should display the active port it's listening on along with possibly the paths. I have been playing around with different servers and such - trying to find something that suits me, so I don't remember these (or it just might be my age) either way most servers tell you in log to console, what port they are listening on.

Lastly your markup/conversion is inconsistent you leave markdown coding in for headers but remove it for most others (haven't checked all) Markdown

Converted Markdown

NGPixel commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll see how I can simplify installation and configuration tasks even more.

As for markdown parsing, this is the default behavior. It relies on the markdown-it module for conversion, so it's pretty much standard. Which inconsistencies are you referring too? From your screenshots, it seems to point to the line breaks? A single line break doesn't actually produce a line break once converted, however I understand this can be confusing at first. Fortunately, this is a setting I can play with so I'll most likely add a setting to enable single line breaks in the next release.

vlos commented 7 years ago

The main inconsistency I am trying to show is the Header.

Where you have a (#) to indicate a header, it formats it as a header, but keeps the (#). Where as the (*) for bold is hidden, or () for italic is also hidden.

So it converts the markdown elements, but it shows/keeps the markdown syntax in other cases.

NGPixel commented 7 years ago

I see. It doesn't keep the markdown syntax at all. The # before the header is meant to be an anchor, which you can use to link directly to this section of the page. I look into using a more descriptive icon instead, like ⚓️