requarks / wiki

Wiki.js | A modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
23.91k stars 2.62k forks source link

PDF Viewer #6543

Open NGPixel opened 12 months ago

Divy0007 commented 10 months ago

Hello, @NGPixel

I sincerely admire your projects and the remarkable work you've been doing. I'm eager to extend my contribution to your esteemed project. I've been actively engaged as a Node.js developer for the past two years, and I believe my experience could be of value in enhancing features and addressing any existing bugs.

Having carefully reviewed the contribution guidelines outlined in the GitHub repository, I noticed that all the bugs have been either assigned or resolved. Could you kindly consider assigning me some bugs to work on, or perhaps provide me with the opportunity to contribute to enhancing version 3.1? I am dedicated to my professional responsibilities, and I'm committed to dedicating three hours of my daily routine as well as my entire Saturday to this open-source initiative.

My personal philosophy revolves around being a developer with a broader purpose. I don't just create web applications and software; I contribute to the creation of a better world. It's with this spirit that I wholeheartedly support open-source projects like yours.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you and making a meaningful impact on your project's progress.