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Can't Finalize Setup in 2.0 #689

Closed cronicryo closed 5 years ago

cronicryo commented 5 years ago

Actual behavior

When finalizing the setup i get an error of config: should be array


If I hit try again I get

insert into `locales` (`code`, `createdAt`, `isRTL`, `name`, `nativeName`, `strings`, `updatedAt`) values ('en', '2018-11-01T16:25:07.964Z', false, 'English', 'English', '{\"common\":{\"footer\":{\"poweredBy\":\"Powered by\"},\"welcome\":{\"title\":\"Welcome to your wiki!\"}},\"auth\":{\"actions\":{\"login\":\"Log In\"},\"errors\":{\"invalidLogin\":\"Invalid Login\",\"invalidLoginMsg\":\"The email or password is invalid.\",\"invalidUserEmail\":\"Invalid User Email\",\"loginError\":\"Login error\",\"notYetAuthorized\":\"You have not been authorized to login to this site yet.\",\"tooManyAttempts\":\"Too many attempts!\",\"tooManyAttemptsMsg\":\"You\'ve made too many failed attempts in a short period of time, please try again {{time}}.\",\"userNotFound\":\"User not found\"},\"fields\":{\"emailUser\":\"Email / Username\",\"password\":\"Password\"},\"loginRequired\":\"Login required\",\"providers\":{\"azure\":\"Azure Active Directory\",\"facebook\":\"Facebook\",\"github\":\"GitHub\",\"google\":\"Google ID\",\"ldap\":\"LDAP / Active Directory\",\"local\":\"Local\",\"slack\":\"Slack\",\"windowslive\":\"Microsoft Account\"},\"tfa\":{\"placeholder\":\"XXXXXX\",\"subtitle\":\"Security code required:\",\"title\":\"Two Factor Authentication\",\"verifyToken\":\"Verify\"}}}', '2018-11-01T16:25:07.964Z') - Duplicate entry 'en' for key 'PRIMARY'


Expected behavior

finish the automated process

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Using MySQL database

  1. reset branch to remove any changes
  2. yarn dev
  3. go through setup
  4. fail on finalizing
garywong-bc commented 5 years ago

See and it’ll get you past that. Still not a complete fix as every call to retrieve the Navigation will raise an error. I’ll look at it this week.

cronicryo commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Didnt come across that ticket. I'll close this one in favor of #682