request / request

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Feature/base url #1469

Closed froatsnook closed 9 years ago

froatsnook commented 9 years ago

Closes #1464 Closes #1476

Some remaining questions:

simov commented 9 years ago

Regarding this one

@froatsnook I think you are overthinking it.

  1. baseUrl should be String.
  2. If baseUrl is used, uri/url should be string also.
  3. If not throw error
  4. Otherwise concatenate them, again throw runtime error if the behavior doesn't follow the one specified in the README
  5. Put this check before self.uri = url.parse(self.uri)
  6. Let request do the rest

How that sounds? I understand your point of view to make everything bulletproof but is it logical in the first place? You are clearly stating what is the expected behavior in the README (the example), the rest of the code is just trying to prevent some potential bugs introduced by the user, that might happen :)

froatsnook commented 9 years ago

That sounds much easier. Should I squash everything to one commit?

Also, should baseUrl in README be lower since it's not as important as some of the first parameters?

simov commented 9 years ago

Yes, some of the previous commits will become obsolete in this case :+1:

As for the README I think this place is fine, as it is related to the uri/url parameter.

simov commented 9 years ago

Good job @froatsnook I really like how tight and clean the implementation is looking. Also I really do like the new naming of the test cases, the previous ones were a bit odd :)

A couple of notes:

  1. The documentation is looking great, but can you add a really short explanation about the expected data type for the baseUrl and the url option?
  2. Can you add some tests for the error cases?

I just noticed that the tests are throwing some errors when executed via tape and thus the coveralls reports are missing, but still you can execute

./node_modules/.bin/istanbul cover ./node_modules/tape/bin/tape tests/test-*.js

on your localhost and navigate to /path/to/request/coverage/lcov-report/request/request.js.html to see the coverage report


froatsnook commented 9 years ago

Thanks @simov, done and done :). I think I thought test names had to be camelCase from glancing at test-body.js... well that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Thanks for the tip on code coverage. That's really useful.

simov commented 9 years ago

Looking good to me, lets see if anyone else have something to add, otherwise I'll merge it.

seanstrom commented 9 years ago

Hey Im looking over this feature today, can you give me a little time to give feedback before merging?

simov commented 9 years ago

Sure :+1:

seanstrom commented 9 years ago

The docs should have some examples of how this works.

I also don't think we should enforce that this should give me an error.

request('/home', {baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080'}, function(err, res, body) {

I would expect this to make a request to http://localhost:8080/home

seanstrom commented 9 years ago

We also should probably just give an error if we see a path with //. So:

request('//home', {baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080'}, function(err, res, body) {

Would give an error. That's because // is used in paths like: // which would mean that its a whole new url with domain and blah.

simov commented 9 years ago

Example would be good, also request('/path' and request('path' should return the same result I agree.

froatsnook commented 9 years ago

@seanstrom In the current version that case is covered since an error is thrown when the uri starts with /. The reasoning behind that is that it doesn't make sense to have a baseUrl like and a uri of /absolute/path.

froatsnook commented 9 years ago

@seanstrom @simov But maybe it's a lot less confusing if paths like that are just treated as relative paths and concatenated so that request('', { baseUrl: '/absolute/path' }) would request If that's the consensus, I'd be happy to update the code and tests.

simov commented 9 years ago

The example in your last comment is incorrect, although that's the idea exactly.

simov commented 9 years ago

In other words both request('/absolute/path', { baseUrl: '' }) and request('absolute/path', { baseUrl: '' }) should work

froatsnook commented 9 years ago

@simov OK I definitely agree that it's better like that. Will update.

seanstrom commented 9 years ago

@froatsnook in your first example you used: + /absolute/path To the user I would expect at worst that we make a request with the url of But realistically we change that to be I think that's how my browser handles it.

seanstrom commented 9 years ago

Also the tests themselves should test that it gets the correct error. Currently it just checks that it's not null

seanstrom commented 9 years ago

Okay im pretty with this, thanks for all the good work @froatsnook :+1: @simov do you have anymore feedback?

simov commented 9 years ago

I'm fine with it too, lets see how it goes for a while, I might use this option in some of my projects as well.

@froatsnook you can specify which issues you are closing or fixing in your PR's description (see above).

Closes [link or #id]
Closes [link or #id]
Fixes [link or #id]
Fixes [link or #id]

That way the corresponding issues will be closed automatically once this PR got merged in. You can specify such things in the commit messages as well, but that can get a bit annoying sometimes :)


froatsnook commented 9 years ago

@seanstrom Thanks for all the suggestions and the kind words.

@simov Thanks for the info.

giladbeeri commented 9 years ago

Great work guys

burningtree commented 9 years ago

This pull request contains bug when working with redirections. Details in my pull request #1481 .