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Sails.js #31

Closed joaosa closed 7 years ago

joaosa commented 10 years ago

Sails.js is a MVC-like realtime web framework with a convention over configuration approach.

I think that about 20/25min should be enough.

hccampos commented 10 years ago

Sounds good. Maybe someone should talk about meteor as well for comparison. On Jan 18, 2014 4:48 PM, "João Sousa Andrade" wrote:

Sails.js is a MVC-like realtime web framework with a convention over configuration approach.

  • Database agnostic ORM (Waterline)
  • Automatic RESTful JSON API generation (Blueprints)
  • Uniform request handling - both realtime and HTTP ( integration)
  • Global role-based authorisation - both realtime and HTTP (Policies)
  • Flexible view layouting (ejs, jade, etc)
  • Automatic asset management - minification, gzipping, etc (Linker)

I think that about 20/25min should be enough.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

daviddias commented 10 years ago


joaojeronimo commented 10 years ago

+1 what's the milestone for this ? next meetup ?

joaosa commented 10 years ago

@joaojeronimo I guess so

pjanuario commented 10 years ago

I would be interested on this...

tjwebb commented 9 years ago

Hey, did you guys end up going with sails.js? Let us know if we can help.

-- the sails.js team

daviddias commented 7 years ago

Why close this issue? @sericaia could you clarify?

sericaia commented 7 years ago

This thread is dead, isn't it?