[x] REP/21.11: Tabs (patron profile, doc detailed view, document search, etc) -> inactive tabs could be grey like in native prime-ng
Documents search
[x] REP/21.11: Autocomplete: the order of the suggestions is not the same as ILS-TEST, why?
[x] REP/21.11: It is great that we can scroll inside the autocomplete suggestions but the panel could be a little bit taller still so that more suggestions are visible?
[x] REP/21.11: Facets regression - I need to click on the "plus" to expand a facet. It would be better if the whole facet was clickable to expand like before.
Patron profile
[x] REP/21.11: The order of the tabs is inverted
[x] REP/21.11: Editor - The space between rows is a little bit too large
[x] REP/21.11: Editor - There is a double border on dropdown fields (e.g. Country, gender)
[x] REP/21.11: Loans tab : badges (e.g. 1 renewal, due date soon) should be another color (too much blue), grey like before ?
[x] REP/21.11: Patron profile, some tabs content seems to not load correctly when changing tabs. When switching to "interlibrary loans", it stays stuck on "loading in progress" for minutes
[x] REP/21.11: When switching organisations, the badge with number of interlibrary loans is not updated.
[x] REP/22.11: Documents brief view
[x] Button "Export as" does nothing unless clicking the arrow, make the entire button functionnal?
[x] Button "Export as" is in a different design than the one in the detailed view
[ ] REP: Patron profile editor -> "Save" button does not work. It doesn't save my modifs and doesn't redirect.
[ ] REP: Search view "No option available" is displayed for a microsecond during loading (e.g. when changing the sort order). Either display a spinner or nothing at all.
[ ] REP: Patron profile: text for buttons in the "Personal data" becomes unreadable when hovering
[ ] REP: Merge "edit profile" and "change password" apps
[ ] REP: Document detailed view tabs in ANgular
[ ] REP: facets: reduce font size (and spacing?)
[ ] REP: TODO decide what to do about export formats functions
[ ] REP: When requesting a holdings, the error should be a warning
Tests (pass 1)
Documents search
Patron profile