Open ahonor opened 11 years ago
It would also be nice print a result after the artifact is posted. For example, it post the artifact, get the MD5 sum, and then compare it to the local file that was pushed.
I have a ruby library I use that parses the SHA1 from the metadata and compares it to the local file. This would also be nice to have.
Don't suppose anyone's made progress on this and just haven't pushed? I need the command for an example I'm putting together so will have a go myself, if not.
It's all yours. :)
I had one written, but its locked up in a former employer's source. Worked great and got around all the awful bugs in maven's wagon.
Found this article on the subject:
Done this and it works just fine. Turns out Nexus has a very cleanly implemented REST API based on
Now there'll be a pause while I work out how to get approval to push it to the project!
The sonatype nexus API allows users to post files via curl like so:
curl -u user:user123 -F "r=releases" -F "g=group" -F "a=artifact" -F "v=version" -F "p=extension" -F "c=classifier" -F "e=extension" -F "file=@local-file;filename=filename" http://localhost:8081/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/content
Proposal: Add nexus:post command. Here's the usage:
nexus:put: "Put an artifact in the repository" --file|-f <>: "file path" --repository|-r <>: "repository ID" --group|-g <>: "group ID" [--artifact|-a <>]: "artifact ID" --version|-v <>: "version" [--extension|-e <>]: "file extension" [--package|-p <>]: "artifact package type" [--classifier]: "artifact classification" [--url http://localhost:8081/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/content]: "server url" [--user <>: "user name"] [--pasword <>: "password"]
nexus:put --file -r releases -g rundeck-modules --version 1.0.0