resbaz / nectar-cloud-lessons

Lessons on how to use the NeCTAR Research Cloud
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Lesson 6: snapshots, backup, etc. #6

Closed DFFlanders closed 9 years ago

DFFlanders commented 9 years ago

quizes around what the different snapshot commands mean, while snapshot command is running: pause instance, suspend instance, soft reboot, hard reboot, shut off, rebuild, terminate.

DFFlanders commented 9 years ago

scenarios for what you'll need to know when colleagues have found out about your new cloud manager skills, and want you to do different things with their images: one colleague wants things backed up and archived for long term, one one a clean install, one wants.... foobar

DFFlanders commented 9 years ago

nice question no.2 where you can have people explain their choices and explain why.

DFFlanders commented 9 years ago

do we need a ticklist for the steps around creating a snapshot as well as other shutoff/reboots/terminate/etc.

DFFlanders commented 9 years ago

have object storage and transient storage together (next to each other)? <-- if possible simplify each of these lesson to make shorter?

MartinPaulo commented 9 years ago

I've handled all of these bar the scenario's: which I've added to the read me as a suggested improvement.