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WIP explorations into an interactive schedule #22

Closed alex-r-bigelow closed 4 years ago

alex-r-bigelow commented 4 years ago

Currently just a map; will transition into more of a "who has what expertise, and what breakout sessions are going on?" online-only thing in the coming weeks

alex-r-bigelow commented 4 years ago

@julianpistorius, do we have any plans for how registration will work? If we did a google form, it would be cool for people to check boxes about their own expertise, and optionally choose to make their information public so that people could orchestrate their own breakout sessions in a way that other participants could find relevant ones?

Could also be fun / easy to make summary charts for showing "how many people here (across the event / inside a zoom chat) are comfortable with git?"

alex-r-bigelow commented 4 years ago

Probably too much to do before May, but it could be really cool to connect registration info with zoom's API (to ask things like "how comfortable is my audience with git?" in real time)

julianpistorius commented 4 years ago

Hi @alex-r-bigelow! Sorry I just saw this.

Very cool idea, but I guess we're not doing Catalyst now.

I don't know what the current plan for registrations is.

alex-r-bigelow commented 4 years ago

No worries, I mostly submitted this per a request that the code be saved in case it's wanted for replication next year; I'll close it for now (I think you answered my registration question a while ago on Slack)