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ReasonReact Examples and Snippets #173

Open bdunn313 opened 4 years ago

bdunn313 commented 4 years ago

The current iteration of Reason docs have some solid examples for using ReasonReact that might help new users understand the library better. We should port over and expand on these examples.

Current ReasonReact examples:

Somewhat related to #142 as some of these examples are small enough that they could be considered for examples listed on the root page of ReasonReact if inspiration is taken from ReactJS's homepage like suggested in #142

bdunn313 commented 4 years ago

I'd be happy to work on this issue myself (particularly since I have an upcoming staycation)

ryyppy commented 4 years ago

awesome, happy to have you working on that! it would be great to have a Examples group in the ReasonReact sidebar with all links to the examples. Maybe also sync with @peterpme, since he has been updating the ReasonReact docs lately

For the ReasonReact root page, i am definitely open for suggestions

peterpme commented 4 years ago

:wave: Would love your help @bdunn313 :smile:

Since docs are synced from ReasonReact (from what I understand), can you please open a PR here?

It will then be synced to

Thank you!!