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Belt search functionality #65

Closed ryyppy closed 4 years ago

ryyppy commented 4 years ago

Tackles issue #64

(experimental, will not merge)

MoOx commented 4 years ago

Why not relying on a service like Algolia (free for open source) ? It's very easy to setup & if the structure of the site changes, you can edit configuration yourself (and you get stats on usage, % of query without results etc).

ryyppy commented 4 years ago

That was just an experiment, I had a call with Algolia regarding their indexing service since we were skeptical if the OSS plan will scale for a whole community. Anyways, we already decided internally to commit on Algolia, since we can most likely reflect all our use-cases there. If it doesn't scale with the traffic, we will get a plan.

For the website search, we will probably use Algolia's free web scraping service, as every other OSS project does.

ryyppy commented 4 years ago

This is terribly outdated, things have changed so I will close this