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RFC: Protected record fields #7018

Open cometkim opened 2 months ago

cometkim commented 2 months ago


Customizable variants greatly enhance the experience of using ReScript records in JavaScript.

But it still lacks encapsulation capabilities. When building a library in JS, implementers can put internal values ​​in secret fields that are not exposed to end users.

This is usually achieved through symbols.

The symbol is an effective way to protect the package's internal knowledge.


and it can simulate other advanced features such as private fields.

const super_secret_key = Symbol()

export class MyClass {
  // This is good because the symbol has better compatibility than private field syntax
  [super_secret_key]() {
    return "I'm safe";

This can be used as a key in any JS object. It is also suitable for use as a ReScript record key.

So I proposed #6738 to use symbols by default in all ReScript internal values, but it had issues and seems not viable.

However, it still seems useful for some cases to make this a choice for the user rather than the compiler.

Also useful for the compiler itself


@as(symbol) for customizable variants

Uses the same syntax as the customizable variants, but uses @as(symbol) as a reserved one.

type data = {
  @as(symbol) foo: string,
  bar: string,

let data = {
  foo: "foo",
  bar: "bar",


let data = {
  [Symbol.for("")]: "foo",
  bar: "bar",

export {

The values ​​​​will automatically assigned with Symbol.for({typepath}).

Symbol.for can be used without module resolution because it is tracked by JS. So it has a fairly low implementation complexity and make it easier to debug.

Symbol as tag

type t =
  | @as(symbol) Foo
  | @as(symbol) Bar({ bar: string })

let foo = Foo
let bar = Bar({ bar: "bar" })
let foo = Symbol.for("Module.t$Foo")
let bar = {
  tag: Symbol.for("Module.t$Bar"),
  bar: string,

Or even

type t =
  | @as(symbol) Foo
  | @as(symbol) Bar({ bar: string })

let foo = Foo
let bar = Bar({ bar: "bar" })
let foo = Symbol.for("Module.t$Foo")
let bar = {
  [Symbol.for("Module.t")]: Symbol.for("Module.t$Bar"),
  bar: string,

Symbol as value

Non-goal, as we already can use symbol as value just like normal FFI syntax.

type s
external mySymbol: unit => s = "Symbol"
let mySymbol = mySymbol()


genType will not generate types for fields designated as a symbol.

cometkim commented 2 months ago

The downside is as mentioned in

Using this feature can reduce interoperability with other ser/de libraries.

zth commented 2 months ago

@cometkim could you point to a few real world examples? Not opposed the functionality, just not something I've encountered often myself.

cometkim commented 2 months ago

As mentioned in the text, we already have some internal fields to protect.

It will be useful when the ReScript user wants to hide such fields ​​or protect records from JS/TS side.

Many real-world libraries have objects with internal fields, which are marked with an underscore prefix