rescript-lang / vim-rescript

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Omni completion for items without documentation #57

Open ilaitinen opened 2 years ago

ilaitinen commented 2 years ago

Under the hood, rescript-editor-analysis.exe returns null instead of an object/dict when a completion item has no documentation. This results in multiple errors in rescript#Complete.

A minimal example with vim-plug and the latest versions of vim-rescript and rescript (tested in VIM 8.2 and in Neovim 0.6.1):

~/.vimrc or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim:

call plug#begin()
Plug 'rescript-lang/vim-rescript'
call plug#end()

set omnifunc=rescript#Complete
set completeopt+=preview


let myInteger = 1
let myString = "2"

Also needed:

Make sure the project is built. Type let my as the last line of Example.res and hit <C-x><C-o> in insert mode. You'll get the following errors twice:

Error detected while processing function rescript#Complete:
line   36:
E121: Undefined variable: value
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Error detected while processing function rescript#Complete:
line   38:
E121: Undefined variable: entry
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Error detected while processing function rescript#Complete:
line   38:
E116: Invalid arguments for function add(l:ret, entry)
Press ENTER or type command to continue

After hitting ENTER enough times:

-- Omni completion (^O^N^P) Pattern not found

I think the problem lies here:

item.documentation is null for undocumented matches.

I tried to replace the offending line with the following, and now omni completion works both for built-in items and for undocumented local items (but I'm no expert in vimscript, so this may be a silly way to do it):

    if type(item.documentation) == v:t_dict
      let l:info = item.documentation.value
      let l:info = item.detail " or some default value

    let entry = { 'word': item.label, 'kind': l:kind, 'info': l:info }