research-software-directory / RSD-as-a-service

This repo contains the new RSD-as-a-service implementation
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Call meta data as optional field for a project page #1007

Open bakhshir opened 11 months ago

bakhshir commented 11 months ago

It would be great to have not only Funding ID but also what call the project was granted under. Is it possible to extend the project page form to input and display this information?

jmaassen commented 11 months ago

At this moment you can already add "project links". This allows you to provide a combination of text and URL. The text will be shown in the metadata on the page an allow click-thru to the link. You could use this to add something like:

"Call text", ""

Would this be sufficient?

jmaassen commented 11 months ago

I had a chat with @bakhshir to clarify this point a bit. At the moment, there is a free text field for the funding ID. While this gives a hint to which call the project was funded by (at least for the nlesc projects), it does not allow projects to be "grouped by call" or link thru to additional call information. Having an additional field called "call" or "programme" + an optional link could help here.

A good example is the way in which the EU approaches this. See for example the PROCESS project:

The Grant ID is "777533" and it part of "EU Horizon 2020". Both are quite generic info however. If you visit the project page on CORDIS:

there is extra information on the programme, call text, and even "see other projects in this call".

lopeztarifa commented 5 months ago

@jmaassen, this feature will be much appreciated.

bakhshir commented 5 months ago

An interesting discussion on the topic of GrantID formats and standards: OpenAIRE

jmaassen commented 5 months ago

The simplest solution which also works in the current implementation is to adopt a fixed syntax for the grant ID for eScience Center projects. We could use the OpenAire metadata as inspiration. The full format is specified as:


As far as I can tell, the prefix is fixed to info:eu-repo/grantAgreement and the postfix [Jurisdiction]/[ProjectName]/[ProjectAcronym] is optional.

So we could use the middle three elements as a somewhat human readable project identifier. For example the deeprank project from ASDI 2016 (exact code 027.016.G04) could be one of the following:

NLESC/ASDI/027.016.G04 NLESC/ASDI.2016/027.016.G04 NLESC/ASDI.2016/001 NLESC/ASDI/2016.001

or, breaking the syntax a bit:


we could also add the project acronym if we want:


This also works for external projects, such as BlueAction:

EU/H2020/727852 EU/H2020/727852/blueaction EU/2016/H2020-RA/727852 EU/2016/H2020-RA/727852/blueaction

By picking one of these formats and consistently using it as our project codes, it becomes very easy to interpret or parse the content. We can discuss what our project codes should be (exact number? project number? project number per call?)