research-software-directory / RSD-as-a-service

This repo contains the new RSD-as-a-service implementation
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Introduce concept of "communities" #616

Closed jmaassen closed 1 month ago

jmaassen commented 1 year ago

During the discussions with the TDDC NES, the idea was suggested for the RSD to support "communities".

A community would be a "virtual organization" where are group of people can curate the set of software and project that are interesting to them. By directly linking to a community (for example: research-software-directory/community/ocean-modelling) it would become easier for user groups to find the software and projects they are interested in.

ctwhome commented 1 year ago

Maybe we should leave out this issue from the V2? as it adds a new functionality when the v2 it is a general overall UI revamp and usability fixes

maaikedj commented 1 year ago

We moved it to the nice to have milestone because it needs more discussion. It is related to issues #741 that Helmholtz is working on, see above. As discussed in the RSD weekly of 8 May we could take this approach.

jmaassen commented 3 months ago

We had a brainstorm in this topic. These are the notes:

At the moment we have 4 projects who are interested in communities:

Main idea of communities feature:

To add software to a community, a user would need to:

Next, the community maintainer needs to be notified of the pending software, check if it adheres to requirements, and accept or reject it (with message?)

Communities may potentially have a source to harvest information from:

This may require some extra thinking. How to we define custom scrapers? How do you ensure the scraped metadata and mandatory categories match? etc.

jmaassen commented 3 months ago

Also allow automatic accept to community? This would allow all helmholtz software to automatically be added to this community.

jmaassen commented 3 months ago

The categories should be finished end-april.