research-software-directory / RSD-as-a-service

This repo contains the new RSD-as-a-service implementation
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Allow users to specify license for content #800

Open ctwhome opened 1 year ago

ctwhome commented 1 year ago

Based on a weekly discussion point: What licenses are we using for our metadata? what licenses are used for content that users upload? like text and images.

cmeessen commented 1 year ago

Could the user be allowed to specify the license of content that they add (especially the description, logo and in the future images)?

jmaassen commented 1 year ago

We also got a question about this from @nuest (via mail). We are not clear about this yet in the Terms of Service.

As far as I am concerned, all metadata (including description) can be shared as CC0. However, we need to check that this does not clash with the licenses of the data that we harvest (i.e., from DataCite, Crossref, ORCID, ROR, Github, etc.) Especially check if an imported could have a different license?

For images it is logical to have a different license from CC0. We may need to add a method to indicate that?

jmaassen commented 1 year ago

License checks:

source license link
DataCite CC0-ish
Crossref No license needed / CC0-ish
ORCID CC0 for public data
Github metadata not specified
Gitlab metadata not specified