research-software-directory / RSD-as-a-service

This repo contains the new RSD-as-a-service implementation
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Investigate exchanging information with Pure #801

Open ctwhome opened 1 year ago

ctwhome commented 1 year ago

Based on a weekly discussion point: We want to see if we need 

jmaassen commented 1 year ago

Many of the PURE installations also offer a OAI-PMH interface. Here are a few example:





The nice thing about OIA-PMH is that it's independent of the implementation, so institutes not using PURE also use the same interface.

ewan-escience commented 1 year ago

There seems to be no open API from PURE, except OAI-PMH, but those don't seem to have a way to filter for software. And even if there would be, it is the question if the metadata is complete enough to fill a software page on the RSD. I propose that we close this issue until we get a workable example.

ewan-escience commented 1 year ago

My fellow from the VU Amsterdam said he is trying to scrape the Pure instance from the VU in order to find research software. He also confirmed there is no software category and he scrapes the API by trying to find Git URLs in the full text.

ewan-escience commented 1 year ago

We included that importing information from Pure is not possible in the near future.

We could look into Pure importing data from the RSD, by e.g. exposing a suitable API or by letting Pure import from OpenAIRE. Once we get a concrete usecase, we will continue this investigation.