research-software-directory / RSD-as-a-service

This repo contains the new RSD-as-a-service implementation
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Move away from Postman for API tests #813

Closed ewan-escience closed 1 year ago

ewan-escience commented 1 year ago

We should replace the Postman/Newman tests (here) with something else, for two reasons:

  1. Since February 2023, you can only do 25(!) collection runs per month on a free account (announcement).
  2. The Postman interface is becoming less suitable with the increasing number of tests.

To address the second point, we should go for a full code-based solution. Considering the languages already in use, we should either go for Java or JavaScript/TypeScript.

dmijatovic commented 1 year ago

I would prefer Node/JavaScript option because then I could help with writing/updating tests. I would like to suggest using tools we already have in the project, Jest (we use in unit-tests in frontend) or Playwright (we use in e2e tests).

This link shows stats for popular testing frameworks

jmaassen commented 1 year ago

Java + junit can be an option? (plus some of the libraries needed to spin up dockers). I've got quite a bit of experience with that, and happy to help

ewan-escience commented 1 year ago

Two Java libraries that can help with testing the REST part are REST Assured and Citrus.