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Minimal working example for largely _automated_ import, use & render of software citation? #3

Closed katrinleinweber closed 6 years ago

katrinleinweber commented 6 years ago


I read through and was left wondering whether there are already technical solutions to the three workflow steps of importing, using-in-a-manuscript and rendering a software citation? An beginner-friendly MVP/MVE so to speak, that does not rely on formatting a reference list manually, or fiddling with BibTeX item types or writing one's own CSL?

Importing works already well, if a BibTeX snippet is offered or a Zotero-translator. Example: R-Packages.js on CRAN.

Using is also fine, since many text editors and word processors can integrate well with most reference managers. Thus, inserting a citation into the doc works also fine.

However, when one actually wants to render the document, which BibTeX or CSL styles and processors are available that treat software in a minimally useful way? Such as rendering the version number from it's own field instead of a v1.2.3 appendix in the title or description?

katrinleinweber commented 6 years ago

PS: One of this "fiddling" is described on

katrinleinweber commented 6 years ago

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