researchart / fse16

info about artifacts from fse16
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Sung_JSdep #15

Open ChunghaSung opened 8 years ago

yasutaka-kamei commented 8 years ago


Based on "3. INSTALLATION", I installed and Z3 SMT solver nodejs in Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop (64 bit) using Pararell Desktop 9, then conducted make install after Step 1 and 2 in the INSTALL file.

I obtained the following message:

Testing for software dependencies - if an error occurs, consult your local package manager for the program immeadiately checked for
which g++ > /dev/null
which qmake > /dev/null
make: *** [check] Error 1

Would you please tell me how to solve this message? At least, g++ seems to work for my environment.

kamei@ubuntu:~/Downloads/JSdep/artemis-modified/Artemis$ which g++

And could you please share a virtual disk image with me?

We have a virtual disk image with full configuration. However, because of the limitation of size we cannot upload it (The size is about 3.1 GB). If you want to use it, please contact to Chungha. from

ChunghaSung commented 8 years ago


Thank you for checking it. When you try to install Artemis, it checks the dependencies and when it ends after checking which qmake >/dev/null, it means qt (qmake) is not installed properly. You have to install it correctly first because Artemis needs qt4 to install it.

If you followed the instruction correctly, it will install qt. If you installed it and still have the same problem, then you have to update QTDIR and PATH as described in the instruction at README under artemis-modified directory (it is described at number 1 in Readme file)

For the virtual disk image, I am out of town for the conference, and I left my flash drive at home. I will be back on next Saturday. If it is fine with that time I will send you it.

Please let me know whether this answers your questions and concerns.

yasutaka-kamei commented 8 years ago


Thank you for the quick reply. It was very helpful and I successfully installed the modified Artemis in Ubuntu 10.4. I also modified several lines to deal with new error messages. I will write how I solved in my review!

For the virtual disk image, next Saturday may not work for me due to the deadline of FSE 2016 artifacts track. So, you don't have to send it to me.

ChunghaSung commented 8 years ago


I am glad to hear that it works.

And I am sorry for your inconvinience of the virtual disk image.

I really have it :( but I am in Canada because of CAV until Friday.

Sincerely, Chungha

mcmillco commented 8 years ago

Very Brief Summary

The artifact is an implementation of JSdep, a research static analysis tool for Javascript.


As with the other submissions, the insightfulness of the artifact is established in the associated research track paper.


The artifact includes the only Javascript static analysis tool that extracts the dependencies of DOM events. Given the ubiquity of these events, it is useful to be able to extract them. In addition, the artifact provides scripts for using the tool to reproduce the results that are presented in the paper.


The paper includes an example of installing JSdep on a specific version of Ubuntu. In addition, there are usage instructions on the github page that are tested with that same OS version. The website does mention a VM, but it is unfortunate the it is not uploaded anywhere. One issue with not uploading the VM is that the tool may become hard to use if it is not updated.

Overall this is a useful artifact that belongs in the track. I do suggest that the authors find some webspace for the 3.1gb VM. Also, the paper format may need to be changed depending on the final publication requirements.

yasutaka-kamei commented 8 years ago

This artifact paper provides a replication package to reproduce the results of the author's FSE'16 paper. The package includes JSdep (a static analysis tool for JavaScript), the modified Artemis (a tool for automated testing of web applications) and the used datasets in the FSE'16 paper.

mvdbrand commented 8 years ago

The artefact description introduces the tool clear way. It describes the briefly JSdep and Artemis, artefacts related to the FSE paper.

The discussion on the insightfulness is to the point, but misses the discussion why these artefacts are timely. The discussion on usefulness is fine and makes clear why the artefacts are useful.

The description on usable addressed in a separate section. It is unclear why the authors mention that there are patches. The installation steps are well described. The description is well structured, detailed and easy to understand. There are no tutorial notes available, only a README containing the same information as the Section 2 of the description. The dependencies are explicit described. The artefact does not provide a virtual machine or is online available.

I would classify this artefact as: ? maybe diamond

timm commented 8 years ago

Note these labels are still "under discussion" and are still subject to change prior to the final notifications Friday.