researchart / fse18

artifacts track, FSE'18:
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get acceptance text from acm publishing #33

Closed timm closed 6 years ago

timm commented 6 years ago

Artifacts Upload for EVENTNAME (Paper PAPERID) TRACKNAME


Your artifact was positively evaluated by the artifact-evaluation committee (AEC) and your publication will receive certain badges as a result of this process.

In addition, you have the option to publish your artifact (in a citable form), and receive another badge "Artifact Available" for this.

Please upload your artifact metadata (and your artifact, if to be published with ACM) via the following link: SUBMISSIONLINKARTIFACT

The deadline for the upload (metadata and artifact) is ONEWEEKFROMNOW.

Publication of artifact via ACM DL: By submitting your artifact to the ACM DL, you ensure long-term availability, open access, and immutability for your artifact, and receive a DOI (digital object identifier) for the artifact, such that your artifact can be cited as publication.

It is not necessary to transfer copyright for the artifact to ACM: ACM only requires a permission to distribute the artifact in the ACM DL, which is assigned as part of the publishing-rights agreement for the paper. Please make sure that you clicked that option in your publishing-rights agreement. If you did not allow ACM to publish your material, please contact us (and we enable a new publishing-rights form).

Publication of artifact via external provider: If you have published your artifact already via Zenodo or FigShare and you do not want to publish your artifact in the ACM Digital Library, you still need to complete the metadata fields for the record in the ACM DL. Please also open the URL above and complete our artifact-submission form.

GitHub or similar repositories are not sufficient to receive an "Artifact Available" badge. If you so far host your artifact on GitHub (or similar), you can simply download the release zip archive from GitHub and upload this file to us (for the ACM DL). (Note that the zip file must contain a license and readme file.)

Or, even simpler, you can publish GitHub releases via Zenodo:

Best regards,

Your Proceedings Team Conference Publishing Consulting