researchart / re19

control repo for the re19 artifacts evaluation committee
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Review of submission 52villamizar #20

Closed neilernst closed 5 years ago

artifacts-reviewer commented 5 years ago

I thank the authors for a well structured artifact submission. The authors provide the materials used in their experiment to validate the proposed approach. It would be great if the authors would consider also sharing the scripts, etc. used to do the natural language processing approach described in the paper.

There are also some minor issues that should be corrected:

I recommend a badge of Available.

timm commented 5 years ago

@neilernst : please concur on "Available" (or switch to "SecondReview").

IMHO, while the issues raised by @artifacts-reviewer are things the authors might care to fix (*), those fixes are optional and would not alter the "available-ness" of this artifact.

(*) BTW, I concur that making the NL scripts available would be good, that is neither here nor there about assigning a badge to this artifact.

hrguarinv commented 5 years ago

Dear @neilernst , @timm

Thank you so much for your contributions. We will consider all the comments. The repository will be updated tomorrow. Is it ok?


neilernst commented 5 years ago

Looks good to me.

hrguarinv commented 5 years ago

Dear @neilernst @timm

We have added to our repository the instructions to access our scripts that use NLP. I hope it's not too late for your reviews.
